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95% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a communal village built by Indians in the southwestern United States • a member of any of about two dozen Native American peoples called `Pueblos' by the Spanish because they live in pueblos (villages built of adobe and rock) • a city in Colorado to the south of Colorado Springs | ||||||||
36% | 6 | Southwest tribe or one of its dwellings | ||||||
noun • a communal village built by Indians in the southwestern United States • a member of any of about two dozen Native American peoples called `Pueblos' by the Spanish because they live in pueblos (villages built of adobe and rock) • a city in Colorado to the south of Colorado Springs | ||||||||
35% | 6 | Native American dwellings | ||||||
noun • a Native American tent; usually of conical shape | ||||||||
Native American Dwellings In The American Southwest
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