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95% | 16 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an amateur boxer who weighs no more than 179 pounds • a wrestler who weighs 192-214 pounds • a professional boxer who weighs between 169 and 175 pounds • A weight class division in combat sports, for fighters heavier than those in the middleweight division and lighter than those in the heavyweight division. • A weight class division in combat sports, for fighters heavier than those in the middleweight division and lighter than those in the super heavyweight division. | ||||||||
61% | 6 | British surname famous for boxer Laila Ali and her father Muhammad Ali | ||||||
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60% | 6 | The boxer who twice lost world heavyweight title bouts to Muhammad Ali | ||||||
noun • United States prizefighter who lost his world heavyweight championship to Cassius Clay in 1964 (1932-1970) | ||||||||
Muhammad Ali Won The Light Heavyweight Gold At The 1960 Olympics Crossword Clue
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LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT with a confidence score of 95%.
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | British surname famous for boxer Laila Ali and her father Muhammad Ali | |
2 | Muhammad Ali, for the 1996 Olympics
New York Times -
05 Dec 2016 | New York Times / 05 Dec 2016 |
3 | Olympic light-heavyweight champion: 1960
New York Times -
17 Jun 1986 | New York Times / 17 Jun 1986 |
4 | Right for which Muhammad Ali often fought
The Guardian Cryptic -
08 Jul 2016 | The Guardian Cryptic / 08 Jul 2016 |
5 | The boxer who twice lost world heavyweight title bouts to Muhammad Ali | |
6 | Where Ali won his 1974 world heavyweight title
New York Times -
19 Jul 2018 | New York Times / 19 Jul 2018 |
7 | ___ Rudolph, U.S. sprinter who won three golds in the 1960 Olympics
New York Times -
29 Mar 2015 | New York Times / 29 Mar 2015 |