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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
95% | 12 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a water pump that uses the kinetic energy of flowing water to force a small fraction of that water to a reservoir at a higher level | ||||||||
57% | 7 | Reciprocating piston pump over a borehole | ||||||
adjective satellite • having branches or flower heads that bend downward | ||||||||
51% | 13 | Gearing that converts rotary to reciprocating motion | ||||||
noun • a wheel gear (the pinion) meshes with a toothed rack; converts rotary to reciprocating motion (and vice versa) | ||||||||
Mechanical Device That Converts The Energy Of Water Into A Force Applied To A Reciprocating Piston
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HYDRAULIC RAM with a confidence score of 95%.
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2 | A device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy to start the engine | |
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4 | Device that converts pressure into a rotating motion
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5 | Device that converts rotary motion into linear motion
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6 | Gearing that converts rotary to reciprocating motion
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7 | Reciprocating piston pump over a borehole
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