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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
48% | 8 | Legal right allowing oriental fellows to occupy their quarter | ||||||
noun • (law) the privilege of using something that is not your own (as using another's land as a right of way to your own land) • the act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance) | ||||||||
45% | 11 | The tendency for attorneys to prioritize their own interests over their clients | ||||||
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41% | 9 | Attorneys who exploit their clients for personal gain | ||||||
noun • someone guilty of barratry | ||||||||
Legal Right Allowing Attorneys To Keep Their Clients Communications Private
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2 | Home of Private Ryan in "Saving Private Ryan"
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3 | Legal right allowing oriental fellows to occupy their quarter
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4 | Legal right to keep
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5 | The tendency for attorneys to prioritize their own interests over their clients | |
6 | They satisfy a burning need but their clients always arrive late
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