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95% | 6 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • United States general who was killed along with all his command by the Sioux at the Battle of Little Bighorn (1839-1876) | ||||||||
73% | 9 | Nickname for the 7th Cavalry Regiment of the US Army | ||||||
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63% | 13 | Site of the battle in which the US 7th Cavalry were routed in 1876 | ||||||
noun • a river that flows from northern Wyoming into the Bighorn River in southern Montana; site of Custer's Last Stand • a battle in Montana near the Little Bighorn River between United States cavalry under Custer and several groups of Native Americans (1876); Custer was pursuing Sioux led by Sitting Bull; Custer underestimated the size of the Sioux forces (which were supported by Cheyenne warriors) and was killed along with all his command | ||||||||
In 1876 Us Army S 7Th Cavalry Regiment Was Assigned To The Dakota Territory Under S Command
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CUSTER with a confidence score of 95%.
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2 | Nickname for the 7th Cavalry Regiment of the US Army | |
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4 | Site of the battle in which the US 7th Cavalry were routed in 1876
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