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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
95% | 13 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • Iraqi leader who waged war against Iran; his invasion of Kuwait led to the Gulf War (born in 1937) | ||||||||
31% | 4 | Where Beagle 2 was landed on 25 December 2003 | ||||||
noun • a small reddish planet that is the 4th from the sun and is periodically visible to the naked eye; minerals rich in iron cover its surface and are responsible for its characteristic color • (Roman mythology) Roman god of war and agriculture; father of Romulus and Remus; counterpart of Greek Ares | ||||||||
29% | 7 | Miles ___, teen who becomes Spider-Man in "Into the Spider-Verse" | ||||||
noun • a state of individual psychological well-being based upon a sense of confidence and usefulness and purpose • the spirit of a group that makes the members want the group to succeed | ||||||||
Hid In A Spider Hole In December 2003
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SADDAM HUSSEIN with a confidence score of 95%.
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1 | Miles ___, teen who becomes Spider-Man in "Into the Spider-Verse"
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2 | Often referred to as the spider crab due to its resemblance to a spider | |
3 | Spider-Man pointing at Spider-Man, e.g.
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4 | Spider-___, character in "Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse"
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5 | Spider-___, character in Marvel's "Spider-Verse"
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6 | Spider family that includes the garden spider | |
7 | Where Beagle 2 was landed on 25 December 2003
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