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95% | 5 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • the second largest city in Iraq; an oil port in southern Iraq | ||||||||
61% | 7 | Their song 'Life' reached number one in the UK Singles Chart | ||||||
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46% | 8 | Hit song released in 2016 that peaked at number one on the UK Singles Chart | ||||||
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Her Song Time And Tide Reached The Top 20 On The Uk Singles Chart
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BASIA with a confidence score of 95%.
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2 | Chart position reached by all the albums seen in the starred clues in this puzzle
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3 | His song 'The Last Waltz' reached number one on the UK Singles Chart in 1967 | |
4 | Pointedly, her work keeps her on her toes
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5 | Singles to female singles?
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6 | Their song 'Life' reached number one in the UK Singles Chart | |
7 | What's reached, when someone can't be reached!
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