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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
95% | 9 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • A form of off-road motorbike racing. • An event where such racing takes place. | ||||||||
50% | 6 | Event where participants compete against the clock | ||||||
noun • A public gathering or mass meeting that is not mainly a protest and is organized to inspire enthusiasm for a cause. • A protest or demonstration for or against something, but often with speeches and often without marching, especially in North America. • A sequence of strokes between serving and scoring a point. • An event in which competitors drive through a series of timed special stages at intervals. The winner is the driver who completes all stages with the shortest cumulative time. • A recovery after a decline in prices (said of the market, stocks, etc.) • Good-humoured raillery. | ||||||||
43% | 5 | A type of racing where drivers compete against the clock | ||||||
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Event Where Riders Compete Against The Clock
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4 | Compete against the clock
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5 | Event where participants compete against the clock | |
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