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95% | 12 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • specially hardened steel plate used to protect fortifications or vehicles from enemy fire | ||||||||
37% | 8 | Military installations | ||||||
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28% | 9 | Shielding | ||||||
adjective • intended or appropriate for defending against or deterring aggression or attack noun • an attitude of defensiveness adjective satellite • attempting to justify or defend in speech or writing | ||||||||
Durable Shielding For Military Installations
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ARMOR PLATING with a confidence score of 95%.
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2 | In wartime, this becomes crucial to protect vital installations and military assets. | |
3 | Metal sheet used to fortify military installations | |
4 | Military installations
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5 | Military installations: Abbr.
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7 | Shielding us, having disposed of a large sum of cash
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