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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
95% | 11 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an electronic device that creates the effect of more than one sound from a single source by combining a short delay with slight deviations in pitch | ||||||||
39% | 7 | A guitar effects pedal that creates a swirling sound by varying the time delay and pitch of the delayed sound | ||||||
noun • An electronic device or software that alters the sound of an instrument by combining out-of-phase copies of its original sound. • A mechanical device used to remove ice and snow from railway lines. | ||||||||
28% | 7 | A spinning toy that creates a swirling vortex of water when you flick it | ||||||
noun • a localized and violently destructive windstorm occurring over land characterized by a funnel-shaped cloud extending toward the ground • small friedcake formed into twisted strips and fried; richer than doughnuts | ||||||||
Creates A Swirling Watery Sound
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CHORUS PEDAL with a confidence score of 95%.
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Similar Clues
Clue | Source | |
1 | A guitar effects pedal that creates a swirling sound by varying the time delay and pitch of the delayed sound | |
2 | A spinning toy that creates a swirling vortex of water when you flick it | |
3 | Herbs that sound watery
New York Times -
23 Aug 1979 | New York Times / 23 Aug 1979 |
4 | Imagine watery vessel in sound
Telegraph Toughie -
15 Sep 2023 | Telegraph Toughie / 15 Sep 2023 |
5 | It creates a "y" sound
New York Times -
07 Apr 2005 | New York Times / 07 Apr 2005 |
6 | Nymph has bedroom that creates sound effects
The Guardian Cryptic -
18 Dec 2023 | The Guardian Cryptic / 18 Dec 2023 |
7 | Watery sound
New York Times -
05 Jul 1984 | New York Times / 05 Jul 1984 |