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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
95% | 16 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • United States labor organizer who ran for President as a socialist (1855-1926) | ||||||||
45% | 7 | He continued to paint until his death on October 22, 1906 | ||||||
noun • French Post-impressionist painter who influenced modern art (especially cubism) by stressing the structural components latent in nature (1839-1906) | ||||||||
43% | 11 | Despite facing various challenges, he continued to paint and experiment with different techniques until his death in 1906. | ||||||
noun • French Post-impressionist painter who influenced modern art (especially cubism) by stressing the structural components latent in nature (1839-1906) | ||||||||
Continued To Fight For Workers Rights Until His Death In 1926 Crossword Clue
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EUGENE VICTOR DEBS with a confidence score of 95%.
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