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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
95% | 14 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • An order placed with a broker that is executed after a given stop price has been reached, and then becomes a limit order to buy (or sell) at the limit price or better. | ||||||||
62% | 11 | Instruction to a broker to buy or sell a specified quantity of a security immediately at the best available price | ||||||
noun • an order to a broker to sell or buy stocks or commodities at the prevailing market price | ||||||||
58% | 9 | "Buy" or "sell" directive at a specified price | ||||||
noun • an order to a broker to sell (buy) when the price of a security falls (rises) to a designated level | ||||||||
An Order Used To Either Buy Or Sell A Security At A Specified Price Or Better
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STOP-LIMIT ORDER with a confidence score of 95%.
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3 | A buy or sell order where a specific price is set as a stop price and a limit price | |
4 | A conditional order to buy or sell a security once a specified price is reached | |
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