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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
95% | 12 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • an option to buy the crown jewels offered to a white knight in order to forestall a hostile takeover | ||||||||
30% | 14 | Property of a currency or asset that can be readily traded or exchanged for another currency or asset. | ||||||
noun • the quality of being exchangeable (especially the ability to convert a currency into gold or other currencies without restriction) | ||||||||
30% | 11 | A term used to describe the ability of one unit of a commodity or asset to be exchanged for another unit of the same commodity or asset | ||||||
noun • the quality of being capable of exchange or interchange | ||||||||
Alternative To Selling An Asset Immediately
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5 | Property of a currency or asset that can be readily traded or exchanged for another currency or asset. | |
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