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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
95% | 19 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • a serial arrangement of metallic elements or ions according to their electrode potentials determined under specified conditions; the order shows the tendency of one metal to reduce the ions of any other metal below it in the series | ||||||||
44% | 4 | An alphabetical listing of words and their definitions | ||||||
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42% | 12 | Alphabetical listing of parts and their corresponding details | ||||||
noun • a list advertising parts for machinery along with prices | ||||||||
Alphabetical Listing Of Metals According To Their Activity In Redox Reactions
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ELECTROMOTIVE SERIES with a confidence score of 95%.
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2 | Alphabetical run
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3 | An alphabetical listing of words and their definitions | |
4 | Enclosure ... and an alphabetical listing of letters not appearing elsewhere in this puzzle's answer
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5 | Of course, it's not alphabetical
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6 | Player ranked according to their ability in a knock-out competition
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