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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
95% | 7 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • United States author who was an outspoken critic of racism (1924-1987) • English statesman; member of the Conservative Party (1867-1947) • an American eating apple with red or yellow and red skin | ||||||||
40% | 13 | Originated in the Roman festival of Hilaria | ||||||
noun • the first day of April which is celebrated by playing practical jokes | ||||||||
39% | 4 | NBC comedy series starring Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin | ||||||
noun • a lump or mass of hard consolidated mineral matter • United States gynecologist and devout Catholic who conducted the first clinical trials of the oral contraceptive pill (1890-1984) • material consisting of the aggregate of minerals like those making up the Earth's crust • (figurative) someone who is strong and stable and dependable • hard bright-colored stick candy (typically flavored with peppermint) • a genre of popular music originating in the 1950s; a blend of black rhythm-and-blues with white country-and-western • pitching dangerously to one side verb • move back and forth or sideways • cause to move back and forth | ||||||||
Actress Hilaria Who Married Alec Baldwin In 2012 Crossword Clue
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BALDWIN with a confidence score of 95%.
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2 | Actress Ireland who is the daughter of Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin | |
3 | Alec Baldwin, on more than 15 occasions
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4 | Alec Baldwin has been one 17 times
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5 | Character Jack who is portrayed by Alec Baldwin on "30 Rock" | |
6 | Jack ___, Alec Baldwin's "30 Rock" role
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7 | NBC comedy series starring Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin
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