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Expand? | Letters | Answer | Clue | |||||
95% | 9 | Exact Match! | ||||||
noun • (Yiddish) a confused situation or affair; a mess | ||||||||
38% | 10 | Engaging in a tangle or muddle | ||||||
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29% | 8 | A farrago or muddle of different things | ||||||
noun • A hotchpotch; a collection containing a variety of miscellaneous things. • A confused mass of ingredients shaken or mixed together in the same pot. • (inheritance) The blending together of property so as to achieve equal division, mainly in the case of inheritance. • The blending together of property so as to achieve equal division, especially in the case of divorce or intestacy. • A kind of mutton broth with green peas instead of barley or rice. | ||||||||
A Muddle Or Tangle Of Things
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SHEMOZZLE with a confidence score of 95%.
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Similar Clues
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1 | A farrago or muddle of different things | |
2 | A hotchpotch, mingle-mangle, mishmash, muddle or other confused mixture; bric-à-brac, cast-offs and oddments collected for a rummage sale; or, William Brown’s trusty dog
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3 | Company, medium-sized, folded in muddle
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4 | Engaging in a tangle or muddle | |
5 | Gas supplies in war in a muddle
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