The Guardian Quiptic Answers - Monday, 26th June 2017 There are 29 across clues and 29 down clues for the The Guardian Quiptic crossword on Monday, 26th June 2017. View the answers below.. Also try..All The Guardian Quiptic AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Take down a French exercise, grudgingly at firstUNPEGAAcross 4: Extremely desirable to stop involving resistance in dropDECREASEAAcross 7: Animal allowed to eat at any timeLEVERETAAcross 8: After investigation, boy returned in disgraceSCANDALAAcross 8: No abusive cop is possibly beyond reproachABOVESUSPICIONAAcross 9: Present is good fit, after adjustmentGIFTAAcross 10: Fighter's not able to conceal decapitated marsupialCOMBATANTAAcross 10: Jane could be a disasterCALAMITYAAcross 11: Whisper mistaken resultRUSTLEAAcross 12: Debauchee providing shelter for German conmanROGUEAAcross 12: Gripe terribly about loathsome advantage enjoyed by somePRIVILEGEAAcross 13: Wicked postmen covering up setter's favouritismNEPOTISMAAcross 15: English teacher principally working in schoolETONAAcross 15: Hearing testTRIALAAcross 16: Quietly put down clothPLAIDAAcross 17: Blue filling for duvetDOWNAAcross 17: It's worth having in the manner arrangedASSETAAcross 18: Prepared to take delivery of oxygen and nitrogen that's contaminatedPOISONEDAAcross 18: Isolated copies retrospectively valuedSEPARATEDAAcross 19: Safely secure the ends of weedkiller in cupboardLOCKERAAcross 20: Ring round to get hold of right landownerLAIRDAAcross 21: In agreement with chaps getting time for reparationATONEMENTAAcross 21: Came across man touring Ohio for shootingMETEORICAAcross 22: Medication injected into capillariesPILLAAcross 24: Caesar's fourth legion's ill making boozeSLOE GINAAcross 24: Achievement to keep quiet during a Conservative eulogyACCOMPLISHMENTAAcross 25: Prince of Darkness seen in the Bastille?OLD NICKAAcross 25: It's sleep-inducing to write note on 40% of curriculumPENDULUMAAcross 26: Pay out odds on finalSPENDDDown 1: Take Pierre's cover for his service capKEPIDDown 1: Not satisfactory to cancel pub tea randomlyUNACCEPTABLEDDown 2: Write graffiti artist's signature on US government buildingPENTAGONDDown 2: Makes an announcement in favour of demand by sonPROCLAIMSDDown 3: Secure revolutionary's liberationRESCUEDDown 3: Prepare good meal in a flashGLEAMDDown 4: Fought to be made redundantSCRAPPEDDDown 4: Certainly have fewer qualmsDOUBTLESSDDown 5: Popular energy source contains drug, actuallyIN FACTDDown 5: Manage to retire a period of years after losing husbandCOPEDDown 6: Conveyance getting service before start of tripRAFTDDown 6: Regularly seen to oppose meetingENCOUNTERDDown 7: Content to abolish outdated way of showing angerSHOUTDDown 9: We will teach daughter to be knowledgeableWELL-EDUCATEDDDown 11: Be rough with Guy, say?MANHANDLEDDown 12: Relation providing central part of speechRATIODDown 13: I agree to cover the doctor to make up for itINTHEMOODDDown 14: Watched editor getting cutSAWEDDDown 14: Polite expression for you being against heartless feminism, we hearEUPHEMISMDDown 16: Initially, parasites and mice spread a deadly diseasePANDEMICDDown 16: Be nosy about setter working rent freeINTERFEREDDown 17: Fat daughter's rentingDRIPPINGDDown 19: Tool found in small shedSHOVELDDown 20: A telly broken not long agoLATELYDDown 20: Series of recurrent low-level cyclonesCYCLEDDown 21: Chop round large part of motor vehicleAXLEDDown 22: Distinctive character of the crazily shaved bossETHOSDDown 23: Secure strand of hairLOCKDDown 23: Old friend can be preciousOPAL