The Guardian Cryptic Answers - Wednesday, 30th May 2018 There are 15 across clues and 18 down clues for the The Guardian Cryptic crossword on Wednesday, 30th May 2018. View the answers below.. Also try..All The Guardian Cryptic AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 9: Odd procedure to make babiesREPRODUCEAAcross 10: Gull to stop moving on waterLIETOAAcross 11: See 28CLASSAAcross 12: Sacrilege for kinsfolk to replace male, 50, by new modelPROFANITYAAcross 13: Calls offspring "round the bend"!RINGSUPAAcross 14: One relaxes bonds with familiar relativesAUNTIESAAcross 17: See 6TEASEAAcross 19: It goes out like a lamb, coming back a sheepMARAAcross 20: Some gamin: orphaned childMINORAAcross 21: Going round by word of mouth, part gets assimilatedORBITALAAcross 22: Love takes many forms — they're central to making babiesOVARIESAAcross 24: Once quick humour, hot and cold — the French put out?WITH CHILDAAcross 26: Boatman's infant is not bright!FAINTAAcross 28: Eldest daughter initially conceived internally with AIFIRSTAAcross 29: Nurse, a beauty, stern insideLOOK AFTERDDown 1: Born not quite wealthy, they’re developing fastBRICDDown 2: Painfully rips an ankle liable to this injurySPRAINDDown 3: Happy to keep small family member in stableCONSISTENTDDown 4: Add pressure to big cats, as being wiped out with their youngPUMPUPDDown 5: Dashing young socialite supported by eldest sibling, sayDEBONAIRDDown 6: That Latin kid is awkwardILLADDown 7: Mockery or send-up? No, I became a fatherDERISIONDDown 8: See 25GORYDDown 13: Treasure trove yields antiqueRETRODDown 15: A big effort? No: Boatman, an unconventional father, lacking human resourcesNOMEANFEATDDown 16: Orders scrap on boardSORTSDDown 18: Brits are confused about who should settle disputesARBITERSDDown 19: Get product to make babiesMULTIPLYDDown 22: Likely to be a funny childODDS-ONDDown 23: Discontinuing treatment: cunning letters sent out to people acting stupidlyIDIOTSDDown 24: Mother, perhaps first of women in family environmentWIFEDDown 25: Family of 100 dined with grisly …CATEDDown 27: … Boatman on, say, tea and a pastryTART