The Guardian Cryptic Answers - Tuesday, 14th August 2007 There are 16 across clues and 18 down clues for the The Guardian Cryptic crossword on Tuesday, 14th August 2007. View the answers below.. Also try..All The Guardian Cryptic AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 9: Constant anger - moderate fellow intervenes to bring peaceCEASE-FIREAAcross 9: Constant anger - moderate fellow intervenes to bring peaceCEASEFIREAAcross 10: A number of South Americans fly back to Rio, finallyTANGOAAcross 11: Small statue one might get from castOSCARAAcross 12: Tradition of British consumers to criticise and complainROAST BEEFAAcross 13: Insect repellent first taken off a vesselAMPHORAAAcross 14: Not varying university classUNIFORMAAcross 17: Sampling can make senseTASTEAAcross 19: Hat that comes down over one eyeLIDAAcross 20: Quietly put one's first card on the table and address courtPLEADAAcross 21: Fool's story revealed by dailyCHARLIEAAcross 22: Scrap old missileQUARRELAAcross 24: Instrument unknown couple needed to cut and sharpenXYLOPHONEAAcross 26: House rented, turned into temporary accommodationHOTELAAcross 28: Triumphant cry, eclipsing old record top markALPHAAAcross 29: For relaxation, cast off hereGREENROOMDDown 1: Acoustic problem some of the choir encounteredECHODDown 2: Mother and father upset about daughter, cold and weirdMADCAPDDown 3: Layabout lender tormented about need to repay poundNE'ER-DO-WELLDDown 4: Mountain range in South America I wander intoSIERRADDown 5: Reduced worth of girl you reportedly caught in the actDEVALUEDDDown 6: Change test? Don't change it!STETDDown 7: Mount up to run after animalsANTELOPEDDown 8: Sell up and play around, so to speakGOLFDDown 13: Ultimate destination of flights from part of GreeceATTICDDown 15: Bringing serious charges as result of informer's statementIMPEACHINGDDown 16: What brings large number into dinner, say? GongMEDALDDown 18: Shellfish and fish endlessly hoisted into shipSCALLOPSDDown 19: As cur caught in deception, try to maintain low profileLIEDOGGODDown 22: That French-Canadian province having to accept EnglishQUEBECDDown 23: Helping with relationship is newRATIONDDown 24: Times taking something from Sun - a revealing photographX-RAYDDown 25: Summit said repeatedly to stimulate a quick lookPEAKDDown 27: Initially lending investor money as capitalLIMA