Telegraph Cryptic Answers - Tuesday, 8th October 2024 There are 14 across clues and 16 down clues for the Telegraph Cryptic crossword on Tuesday, 8th October 2024. View the answers below.. Also try..All Telegraph Cryptic AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Male relatives? This could be hersHALF-BROTHERSAAcross 9: Travel's awkward after hip breaksINTERVALSAAcross 10: Dog – hit her, but not hardBOXERAAcross 11: Nursery child hugged by Native AmericanCRECHEAAcross 12: Visualised ancient Scot next to river deltaPICTUREDAAcross 13: His Excellency's enthralled by right-wing ideaTHEORYAAcross 15: Article found in case after Victor's holidayVACATIONAAcross 18: Returning sweets, upsetSTRESSEDAAcross 19: Big top perhaps encapsulates a large giftTALENTAAcross 21: A grotesque chap without professional attitudeAPPROACHAAcross 23: Boss is scrubbing second old workshopSTUDIOAAcross 26: Time off? Pack your bagsLEAVEAAcross 27: Blooming female looking sullenFLOWERINGAAcross 28: Relates theory about missing sign of a duck? Quack is what you're after hereHARLEY STREETDDown 1: Husband put out by sliced bun?HAIRCUTDDown 2: Some sweet-talker brought back drinkLATTEDDown 3: Pub cleaners pinching Tango – these show you comparative amountsBAR CHARTSDDown 4: Regularly worry ahead of a student's examORALDDown 5: Pilot has wound – this place could helpHOSPITALDDown 6: Deny Republican lead in election stillREBUTDDown 7: Use drillEXERCISEDDown 8: Poet's dull studyDRYDENDDown 14: A super one mysteriously leaving South Pole?EUROPEANDDown 16: Cunning blokes getting inside suitable flatAPARTMENTDDown 17: Forgiving awful crime completely? Not quiteMERCIFULDDown 18: Bishop wearing old hat not ready to changeSTABLEDDown 20: Considerateness for all that timeTHOUGHTDDown 22: Hope radio covers musical dramaOPERADDown 24: Chauffeur almost rubbishDRIVEDDown 25: Thin lad eating nothing initiallyBONY