Telegraph Cross Atlantic Answers - Wednesday, 9th August 2023 There are 38 across clues and 41 down clues for the Telegraph Cross Atlantic crossword on Wednesday, 9th August 2023. View the answers below.. Also try..All Telegraph Cross Atlantic AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Bank of Scotland?BRAEAAcross 5: AppearSEEMAAcross 9: Important PM?MAJORAAcross 14: 56 DownRENDAAcross 15: Guilty or not guilty?PLEAAAcross 16: FatuousINANEAAcross 17: To a TOPTIMALLYAAcross 19: US coins worth ten centsDIMESAAcross 20: AuthorWRITERAAcross 21: Least wildTAMESTAAcross 22: One, two, three etcNOSAAcross 23: Portico; tailless member of the weasel family?STOAAAcross 26: Hastens; he is (anag.)HIESAAcross 27: PM on the roof?THATCHERAAcross 29: Clifford the Big Red ____, Jack Whitehall filmDOGAAcross 32: High nestEYRIEAAcross 35: Couple in a relationshipITEMAAcross 36: MiscalculateERRAAcross 37: Far back, as eyes might beDEEP-SETAAcross 39: Set free; publishRELEASEAAcross 42: And the likeETC.AAcross 43: Gripping fault?VICEAAcross 45: NettleANNOYAAcross 46: Lousy eggNITAAcross 47: AnswerRESPONSEAAcross 49: Frigg's other halfODINAAcross 51: Strange fliersUFOSAAcross 52: Business letters?LTD.AAcross 55: AuthoritarianSTRICTAAcross 57: Soil with dirtBEMIREAAcross 59: Uncultivated PM?HEATHAAcross 60: Source of lubrication; sugar gene (anag.)GREASE GUNAAcross 63: Image-blocking maskMATTEAAcross 64: WailYOWLAAcross 65: Eton shambles?MESSAAcross 66: US cookiesOREOSAAcross 67: Strip PM?PEELAAcross 68: Scottish/Irish GaelicERSEDDown 1: Brunette PM?BROWNDDown 2: Roper (anag.)REPRODDown 3: Saint (anag.)ANTISDDown 4: Correct copyEDITDDown 5: ____ Prague, Czech outfitSPARTADDown 6: Old textile measureELLDDown 7: Slippery fellow?EELDDown 8: Blossoming PM?MAYDDown 9: In-flightMID-AIRDDown 10: Moving manga?ANIMEDDown 11: East of Eden actorJAMES DEANDDown 12: Single figures?ONESDDown 13: Snooker equipmentRESTDDown 18: Trappers?MESHESDDown 21: PMs in this puzzle?THEMEDDown 24: Shell-like sorenessOTITISDDown 25: In which one's caught?ACTDDown 27: Baksheesh, e.g.TIPDDown 28: From this documentHEREOFDDown 30: RoughlyOR SODDown 31: Elderly PM?GREYDDown 32: Project for PM?EDENDDown 33: Hairy monsterYETIDDown 34: Ministerial officeRECTORATEDDown 38: What's happeningEVENTDDown 40: Young ladiesLASSESDDown 41: 67.5 degrees on a compassENEDDown 44: Controlling part of computerC.P.U.DDown 44: Controlling part of computerCPUDDown 47: WealthRICHESDDown 48: Extra for stepping over the lineNO BALLDDown 50: The sameDITTODDown 52: Cross between two big catsLIGERDDown 53: Support PM?TRUSSDDown 54: Packed; needs (anag.)DENSEDDown 55: American foolSHMODDown 56: What might run down one's faceTEARDDown 58: Image spread onlineMEMEDDown 60: Swindle; painGYPDDown 61: CaviarROEDDown 62: Fleeced femaleEWE