New York Times Bonus Answers - Saturday, 1st September 2012 There are 43 across clues and 42 down clues for the New York Times Bonus crossword on Saturday, 1st September 2012. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times Bonus AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: __ Carlo (Grand Prix locale)MONTEAAcross 6: Museum curator's deg.MFAAAcross 9: "Grand old name" of songMARYAAcross 13: Menotti's "__ and the Night Visitors"AMAHLAAcross 14: __ podridaOLLAAAcross 16: Light bulb, in cartoonsIDEAAAcross 17: Grand Lodge memberMASONAAcross 18: Take a cruiseSAILAAcross 19: Play pat-a-cakeCLAPAAcross 20: "... but is it __?": KiplingARTAAcross 21: Crater Lake's state: Abbr.OREGAAcross 23: Grand __ (Freeport's island)BAHAMAAAcross 25: Timeline sectionsERASAAcross 26: Groundhog Day mo.FEBAAcross 27: Suffix with hobby or lobbyISTAAcross 28: __ serum (Sodium Pentothal)TRUTHAAcross 30: Hole-making bugBORERAAcross 32: Grand Detour Plow Company founderDEEREAAcross 33: Links transportCARTAAcross 34: "__ Old Cow Hand (from the Rio Grande)"IMANAAcross 38: Ponte Vecchio's riverARNOAAcross 39: Sri __LANKAAAcross 40: "Grand Theft __" (video game)AUTOAAcross 41: Deliver by parachuteDROPAAcross 42: Torah holdersARKSAAcross 43: Bozo, e.g.CLOWNAAcross 44: Takes homeEARNSAAcross 46: "I __ kick from champagne ..."GETNOAAcross 47: Photo __ (publicity events)OPSAAcross 50: Rink surfaceICEAAcross 51: U2's frontmanBONOAAcross 52: Grand __ (big ending)FINALEAAcross 54: Any minigolf shotPUTTAAcross 55: Grand Canyon viewing areaRIMAAcross 58: New Mexico town near the Rio Grande GorgeTAOSAAcross 59: In the areaNEARAAcross 61: Arizona's Casa Grande __ National MonumentRUINSAAcross 63: Mr. 'iggins of "My Fair Lady"ENRYAAcross 64: Part of M.Y.O.B.YOURAAcross 65: Agassi with eight Grand Slam winsANDREAAcross 66: G-__ (grand)NOTEAAcross 67: __-mo replaySLOAAcross 68: Used a surgical beamLASEDDDown 1: Grandmother's daughterMAMADDown 2: A grandson of EsauOMARDDown 3: Thomas, creator of 1867's "Grand Caricaturama"NASTDDown 4: On the other hand, brieflyTHODDown 5: Goal of some Rio Grande crossersELNORTEDDown 6: Painter Grandma __MOSESDDown 7: "You're a Grand Old __"FLAGDDown 8: Laila of women's boxingALIDDown 9: Grand Rapids' state: Abbr.MICH.DDown 9: Grand Rapids' state: Abbr.MICHDDown 10: Presidential candidate Stevenson, whose grandfather was a U.S. senatorADLAIDDown 11: Copy paper buysREAMSDDown 12: Pester, like a puppyYAPATDDown 15: Grand Prairie's provinceALBERTADDown 22: Cheer from the grandstandRAHDDown 24: Bart Simpson's grandfatherABEDDown 25: Grand Tour continentEUROPEDDown 26: Grand ___, N. D.FORKSDDown 28: Alaska, e.g., before 1959: Abbr.TERRDDown 29: Former MGM Grand Hotel siteRENODDown 30: Newfoundland's Grand __BANKSDDown 31: Bridge over Venice's Grand CanalRIALTODDown 32: Old Grand __ bourbonDADDDown 33: Chile con __CARNEDDown 35: Short-lived subatomic particleMUONDDown 36: "A-one and __": WelkATWODDown 37: "Smoking or __?"NONDDown 39: "Grand" or "petit" crimeLARCENYDDown 43: New York's Grand __ StationCENTRALDDown 45: Have a bugAILDDown 46: UnderstoodGOTDDown 47: "Come here __?"OFTENDDown 48: Baby grand, e.g.PIANODDown 49: Bull soundSNORTDDown 51: Grand Canyon equineBURRODDown 53: "__ sow, so shall ..."ASYEDDown 54: Fab Four first namePAULDDown 55: Frees (of)RIDSDDown 56: Regarding, on a memoINREDDown 57: Teacher's grad deg.MSEDDDown 60: Canon cameraEOSDDown 62: Merkel of filmUNA