New York Times Bonus Answers - Thursday, 1st September 2011 There are 41 across clues and 43 down clues for the New York Times Bonus crossword on Thursday, 1st September 2011. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times Bonus AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: __ glasses (visual aid on a stick)OPERAAAcross 6: Ear-relatedOTICAAcross 10: "__ silly question ..."ASKAAAcross 14: Deodorant stick brandARRIDAAcross 15: Anderson of "WKRP"LONIAAcross 16: "I just stick out my __ ..." ("Annie" lyric)CH'INAAcross 16: "I just stick out my __ ..." ("Annie" lyric)CHINAAcross 17: "Stick 'em up!"REACHAAcross 18: Off one's rockerLOCOAAcross 19: Word before "if" on bumper stickersHONKAAcross 20: Method: Abbr.SYSAAcross 21: Mrs. BunkerEDITHAAcross 23: Pullman bedBERTHAAcross 24: Sticks one's nose into others' businessPRIESAAcross 25: Kindergarten stickumPASTEAAcross 26: Prison wardenJAILERAAcross 29: Artificial: Abbr.IMITAAcross 31: Utah ski areaALTAAAcross 32: Flying "A" competitorESSOAAcross 33: New Deal pres.FDRAAcross 36: Carnival fare on a stickCORNDOGAAcross 40: Place to play stickballSANDLOTAAcross 42: Crucial elementKEYAAcross 43: Blissful spotEDENAAcross 45: Walking stickCANEAAcross 46: Deep sleepCOMAAAcross 47: Rolling __ (band with the album "Sticky Fingers")STONESAAcross 49: Lipstick mishapSMEARAAcross 52: Georgia State Fair cityMACONAAcross 54: Play for timeSTALLAAcross 55: Sticky pine exudationRESINAAcross 56: __ TafariRASAAcross 59: Jab with a stickPOKEAAcross 60: "Fiddlesticks!"RATSAAcross 61: Former Candlestick Park ballplayerGIANTAAcross 63: A util.ELECAAcross 64: Fashion house __-PiconeEVANAAcross 65: Stick togetherUNITEAAcross 66: Gossip, slangilyDIRTAAcross 67: Cutting remarksDIGSAAcross 68: Heath's "Brokeback Mountain" roleENNISDDown 1: Crew implementsOARSDDown 2: Mice, to owlsPREYDDown 3: Historic periodsERASDDown 4: Ocasek of the CarsRICDDown 5: Stick fastADHEREDDown 6: Stan's slapstick partnerOLLIEDDown 7: __ Pop (candy-coated ersatz chocolate on a stick)TOOTSIEDDown 8: Yardstick divisionINCHDDown 9: A.F.L. merger partnerCIODDown 10: Needs aspirinACHESDDown 11: Get the __ end of the stickSHORTDDown 12: "Roots" hero Kunta __KINTEDDown 13: Hippie's crossANKHDDown 22: ESE or WNWDIRDDown 23: Conductor's stickBATONDDown 24: Sketch outPLANDDown 25: Galileo's birthplacePISADDown 26: Candlestick jumper of rhymeJACKDDown 27: ChapStick Moisturizer ingredientALOEDDown 28: Humble response to "Good job!"ITRYDDown 30: Submissions to eds.MSSDDown 33: Spanish custardFLANDDown 34: "Stick a fork in me, I'm __"DONEDDown 35: Numbered rds.RTESDDown 37: Model stick-onDECALDDown 38: Scratch-and-sniff sticker emanationODORDDown 39: Stick pin adornmentGEMDDown 41: Pesticide brandDCONDDown 44: Conventioneer's stick-onNAME TAGDDown 44: Conventioneer's stick-onNAMETAGDDown 47: Chem. or biol.SCIDDown 48: Sticky part of an anteater's bodyTONGUEDDown 49: Popular vodka brand, informallySTOLIDDown 50: "The butcher, the baker, the candlestick-__"MAKERDDown 51: Word on political bumper stickersELECTDDown 53: Orgs.ASSNSDDown 54: Risked a ticketSPEDDDown 55: Sitarist ShankarRAVIDDown 56: "Soon It's Gonna __" ("The Fantasticks" tune)RAINDDown 57: Not in favorANTIDDown 58: Jeanne d'Arc and others: Abbr.STESDDown 60: Lipstick shadeREDDDown 62: Wayfarer's stopoverINN