New York Times Bonus Answers - Friday, 1st April 2005 There are 40 across clues and 42 down clues for the New York Times Bonus crossword on Friday, 1st April 2005. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times Bonus AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: "Master __" (Terrence McNally play)CLASSAAcross 6: James of "Misery"CAANAAcross 10: __ master (exceptionally skilled one)PASTAAcross 14: "My master," in HebrewRABBIAAcross 15: Masters do itRULEAAcross 16: Little __ (hardly any)ORNOAAcross 17: Homeric masterpieceILIADAAcross 18: "The African Queen" scriptwriterAGEEAAcross 19: "A Summer Place" actor RichardEGANAAcross 20: Frontier marshal __ MastersonBATAAcross 21: Blanket-toting "Peanuts" characterLINUSAAcross 23: Feed fuel toSTOKEAAcross 24: Toadies' repliesYESESAAcross 25: Waste maker, proverbiallyHASTEAAcross 26: Playground retortDOESSOAAcross 29: Lacking slackTAUTAAcross 31: "__ Rutledge" (Edgar Lee Masters poem)ANNEAAcross 32: In a masterful wayABLYAAcross 33: Stairmaster siteSPAAAcross 36: Master's and bachelor'sDEGREESAAcross 40: Postmaster's employeeCARRIERAAcross 42: Carrier to StockholmSASAAcross 43: Nose-in-the-air typeSNOBAAcross 45: 50's Hungarian premier NagyIMREAAcross 46: Webmaster's creationSITEAAcross 47: Start of a ringmaster's announcementLADIESAAcross 49: Reduce to confettiSHREDAAcross 52: Towels offDRIESAAcross 54: Comedy Central quizmaster BenSTEINAAcross 55: Masters champion's jacket colorGREENAAcross 56: "No __ can serve two masters": Matt. 6:24MANAAcross 59: Tibetan masterLAMAAAcross 60: Vientiane's landLAOSAAcross 61: Low-budget prefixECONOAAcross 63: Master's hurdle, perhapsORALAAcross 64: His masters are Dick and JaneSPOTAAcross 65: Director Allen, the "Master of Disaster"IRWINAAcross 66: Slithery swimmersEELSAAcross 67: Kerry's cohorts, for shortDEMSAAcross 68: "Death Be Not Proud" authorDONNEDDown 1: Nursery furnitureCRIBDDown 2: In __ land (spacy)LALADDown 3: "This won't hurt __!"A BITDDown 4: Entrepreneur-aiding org.SBADDown 5: Moves like a crabSIDLESDDown 6: Sleepy Hollow schoolmaster Ichabod __CRANEDDown 7: The Masters localeAUGUSTADDown 8: Brewmasters' offeringsALESDDown 9: Born, in biosNEEDDown 10: Masters and JonsonPOETSDDown 11: Shop jargonARGOTDDown 12: Bushmaster, for oneSNAKEDDown 13: Muscular fitnessTONEDDown 22: Prefix with bar or gramISODDown 23: Lecherous deitySATYRDDown 24: North Sea feederYSERDDown 25: Hippy danceHULADDown 26: Many scoutmastersDADSDDown 27: Fit to be draftedONEADDown 28: Many M.I.T. gradsENGSDDown 30: Easy as __ABCDDown 33: __ Valley (Reagan Library site)SIMIDDown 34: "Le __ Goriot"PEREDDown 35: Mars, to the GreeksARESDDown 37: Krupp Works cityESSENDDown 38: Geraint's ladyENIDDDown 39: W. C. Fields personaSOTDDown 41: PurgesRIDSDDown 44: Master __ (house feature)BEDROOMDDown 47: Position at the MastersLIEDDown 48: Virgil masterpieceAENEIDDDown 49: Gaze stupidlySTAREDDown 50: Blood-relatedHEMALDDown 51: Yemeni currencyRIALSDDown 53: Takes fiveRESTSDDown 54: Blackthorn fruitSLOEDDown 55: Gaze stupidlyGAPEDDown 56: Like a neat lawnMOWNDDown 57: Have __ (be connected)ANINDDown 58: "Jack of all trades, master of __"NONEDDown 60: Leary's hallucinogenLSDDDown 62: __-MagnonCRO