New York Times Answers - Thursday, 20th March 2025 There are 37 across clues and 37 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Thursday, 20th March 2025. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Puppy bitesNIPSAAcross 5: Overly trusting typeNAIFAAcross 9: Hay there!BALEAAcross 13: Sign of warming temperaturesTHAWAAcross 14: "Yeesh!"OHNOAAcross 15: Nowhere to be found, in a wayAWOLAAcross 16: Jewish wedding staple … and a clue to the circled square in this rowHORAAAcross 17: Actor in "Say Anything …" and "High Fidelity"JOH/ANCUSACKAAcross 19: Deep-frying hazard, maybeSPATTERAAcross 21: Cars whose logo represents the Pleiades star clusterSUBARUSAAcross 22: Aspiring doc's hurdleMCATAAcross 23: Monica in the International Tennis Hall of FameSELESAAcross 24: Green-skinned Marvel heroS/THEHULKAAcross 27: Word processing function … and a clue to the circled square in this rowSORTAAcross 28: Worker in a Washington officeAIDEAAcross 29: Common antisepticIODINEAAcross 31: Alternative to mushrooms, maybeLSDAAcross 34: Jewish deli orderKNISHAAcross 36: Cleared (of)RIDAAcross 37: Something that may be drawn at nightDRAPEAAcross 39: What "…" sometimes meansETC.AAcross 40: Singer Ric of the CarsOCASEKAAcross 43: Alma mater of Ian Fleming (as well as James Bond)ETONAAcross 44: Poetic time of day … and a clue to the circled square in this rowMORNAAcross 45: Urban area associated with gamingSIM/NCITYAAcross 47: Former world capital that's an anagram of its country's current capitalKYOTOAAcross 49: Prom attendee, typicallyTEENAAcross 50: Tips back and forthSEESAWSAAcross 52: CladATTIREDAAcross 55: Capability of being pulled and stretchedP/ELASTICITYAAcross 57: Skin feature … and a clue to the circled square in this rowPOREAAcross 58: A lot of lot?ACREAAcross 59: County north of San FranciscoNAPAAAcross 60: Work, work, workTOILAAcross 61: Gmail buttonSENDAAcross 62: Hard worker to a degree?GRADAAcross 63: [Don't delete this]STETDDown 1: Indefinite degreesNTHSDDown 2: Restaurant chain acronymIHOPDDown 3: First responderPARAMEDICDDown 4: Upholsterers' samplesSWATCHESDDown 5: Onetime queen of JordanNOORDDown 6: "Yes, that's it!"AHH/ADDown 7: Stops for the night?INNSDDown 8: Devote attention toFOCUS ONDDown 9: Product of hardened lavaBASALTDDown 10: "I'm well ___!"AWAREDDown 11: Defined set of pointsLOCUSDDown 12: Group that once included the members Babe Ruth and Harry HoudiniELKSDDown 17: Martial arts champion who co-starred in 2020's "Mulan"JETLIDDown 18: Used a certain rideshare serviceUBEREDDDown 20: TTAUDDown 24: Hot ___S/TAKEDDown 25: When doubled, comment made with a winkHINTDDown 26: Source of the quote "Allah doesn't task a soul beyond its capacity"KORANDDown 27: Us and them, for twoSIDESDDown 30: Put downDISDDown 31: The word "aquarium" has oneLATINROOTDDown 32: Word before check or onSPOTDDown 33: Say it ain't soDENYDDown 35: Heckle loudlyHOOTATDDown 38: GateRECEIPTSDDown 41: BoastfulnessCROWINGDDown 42: Word sometimes repeated after "Here ..."KITTYDDown 44: Covered with a green growthMOSSEDDDown 46: New York pro athleteM/NETDDown 47: N.F.L. star TravisKELCEDDown 48: Thirst (for)YEARNDDown 50: Sites for saltwater soaksSP/EASDDown 51: Souvenir from a trip?SCARDDown 52: Very littleATADDDown 53: City on a lake of the same nameERIEDDown 54: Arm-raising muscle, informallyDELTDDown 56: Porter or pilsner alternative, in briefIPA