New York Times Answers - Thursday, 10th December 2020 There are 39 across clues and 41 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Thursday, 10th December 2020. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Orthodontic challengesGAPSAAcross 5: Doctor's orderSAYAHAAcross 10: Grp. that might hold a rafflePTAAAcross 13: "Please, enough already!"OKOKAAcross 14: Like some residents on the Gulf of AdenSOMALIAAcross 15: What's anything but neutral?IONAAcross 16: Siding?SILICON CHIPAAcross 18: Sarcastic sentence enderNOTAAcross 19: Traveling figure, brieflyETAAAcross 20: It shares a 1,650+ mile border with the U.S.: Abbr.ONTAAcross 21: "I'm game if you're game!"LETSAAcross 22: Sound track?EAR CANALAAcross 25: ___ Heep, David Copperfield rivalURIAHAAcross 27: Oration?OXYGENSUPPLYAAcross 30: Dermatologist's concernCYSTAAcross 33: Q2 and Q3 makerAUDIAAcross 34: ___-greenPEAAAcross 35: Juice brandPOMAAcross 36: Female?IRON MANAAcross 36: Female?IRONMANAAcross 39: What "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" supposedly isn't aboutLSDAAcross 40: Factor for determining one's grade in schoolAGEAAcross 41: Podcast host MaronMARCAAcross 42: Hill with no peakMESAAAcross 43: Aground?SILVER BULLETAAcross 48: Foil, e.g.BLADEAAcross 49: Discuss work outside of work, sayTALK SHOPAAcross 53: Rock's Joan ___ & the BlackheartsJETTAAcross 54: Main squeeze, in modern lingoBAEAAcross 55: Réunion buddyAMIAAcross 56: Were present?AREAAcross 57: Cold?CARBONDATEDAAcross 62: ___ FieldsMRSAAcross 62: ___ FieldsMRS.AAcross 63: Fried snack dusted with cinnamon sugarCHURROAAcross 64: ___ MillionsMEGAAAcross 65: It hits close to homeBATAAcross 66: "On again, off again" love stories, saySAGASAAcross 67: Hope beyond hopePRAYDDown 1: "Check it out for yourself"GOSEEDDown 2: Dog breed named after a region in JapanAKITADDown 3: FrigidPOLARDDown 4: One on a slippery slopeSKIDDown 5: Novelist/essayist SusanSONTAGDDown 6: World's largest theater chainAMCDDown 7: Informal word of agreementYAHDDown 8: Hometown hero of Louisville, Ky.ALIDDown 9: Swingin'HIPDDown 10: Longtime Life Savers flavorPINEAPPLEDDown 11: Lacking biteTOOTHLESSDDown 12: Colonial workers, maybeANTSDDown 14: Little fellaSONNYDDown 17: WheedleCOAXDDown 21: It may be glossed overLIPDDown 23: Infirmary sightCOTDDown 24: Top round steak, e.g.LEANCUTDDown 25: Grp. that determines what a 24-Down isUSDADDown 26: Pompeii, for oneRUINDDown 28: ___ Lock (PC key)NUMDDown 29: When repeated, "You get the idea"YADADDown 30: Frequent filers, for shortCPASDDown 31: Player with a record 10 World Series championshipsYOGI BERRADDown 32: Superficial inspectionSMELLTESTDDown 36: Discussed over Slack, say, in briefIMEDDDown 37: Like shark attacksRAREDDown 38: Magic 8 Ball, e.g.ORBDDown 42: You may find a range of these: Abbr.MTSDDown 44: Sight at a wineryVATDDown 45: Herculean effortsLABORSDDown 46: Grassy plain of the SouthwestLLANODDown 47: Stretched (out)EKEDDDown 50: Curmudgeonly sortHATERDDown 51: Resistance figureOMEGADDown 52: A constant celebration?PIDAYDDown 53: A window may go in itJAMBDDown 57: Injection units, for shortCCSDDown 58: Clicking sound?AHADDown 59: Persian, e.g.RUGDDown 60: Cup holderBRADDown 61: Fuse box unitAMP