New York Times Answers - Tuesday, 25th February 2020 There are 35 across clues and 42 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Tuesday, 25th February 2020. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Polio vaccine developer SalkJONASAAcross 6: The "S" of S.U.V.SPORTAAcross 11: Glasgow galLASSAAcross 15: Get in touch withREACHAAcross 16: MistakeERRORAAcross 17: From the startANEWAAcross 18: Connected set of rooms in a hotelSUITEAAcross 19: Frank ___, Al Capone henchmanNITTIAAcross 20: "Veni, ___, vici"VIDIAAcross 21: International competition for countries that boycotted the 1984 Summer Olympics [Texas]FRIENDSHIPGAMESAAcross 24: "Quite true"ITISSOAAcross 25: Edmonton's hockey teamOILERSAAcross 26: Theme of "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "Do the Right Thing"RACISMAAcross 29: Jazzy FitzgeraldELLAAAcross 30: SphereORBAAcross 31: 45 1/2-carat gem at the National Museum of Natural History [Rhode Island]HOPEDIAMONDAAcross 38: Time in Boston when it's midnight in AustinONEAMAAcross 41: Impose, as a taxLEVYAAcross 42: Shopping bingeSPREEAAcross 43: QB's downfield throw [Wisconsin]FORWARD PASSAAcross 46: Michael of "S.N.L."CHEAAcross 47: ___-Ball (carnival attraction)SKEEAAcross 48: Corsage flowerORCHIDAAcross 51: Growth on a treeLICHENAAcross 54: Place for tugboatsHARBORAAcross 57: Companies that have big market shares [Utah]INDUSTRYLEADERSAAcross 61: Drug copNARCAAcross 62: Helped outAIDEDAAcross 63: Preliminary racesHEATSAAcross 65: Furry critter in "Return of the Jedi"EWOKAAcross 66: Vehicle with 18 tyres, maybeLORRYAAcross 67: Sleep problemAPNEAAAcross 68: Pols with a donkey party logoDEMSAAcross 69: With 70-Across, what the first word of each long Across answer is vis-à-vis the bracketed place in its clueSTATEAAcross 70: See 69-AcrossMOTTODDown 1: Upper-class members: Abbr.JRSDDown 2: "Why do the French have only one egg for breakfast? Because one egg is an ___" (old joke)OEUFDDown 3: Brand to use "if you dare wear short shorts"NAIRDDown 4: When Hamlet gives his "To be, or not to be" soliloquyACTIIIDDown 5: 500 things in a reamSHEETSDDown 6: TransmitsSENDSDDown 7: Strait-laced personPRISSDDown 8: Big name in lawn careORTHODDown 9: Indian flatbreadROTIDDown 10: North African city in the lyrics to the "Marines' Hymn"TRIPOLIDDown 11: Blobby light popular in the 1960s-'70sLAVALAMPDDown 12: Japanese cartoon styleANIMEDDown 13: Meal with the Four QuestionsSEDERDDown 14: ___ Army knifeSWISSDDown 22: "Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of ___" (Robert C. O'Brien children's book)NIMHDDown 23: Large lizards of the SouthwestGILASDDown 26: Upper part of the mouthROOFDDown 27: Florence's riverARNODDown 28: Person who might say "10-4, good buddy"CBERDDown 29: "Grand" brand of ice creamEDYSDDown 32: Ye ___ ShoppeOLDEDDown 33: LivelinessPEPDDown 34: Longoria of "Desperate Housewives"EVADDown 35: Theater sect. near the stageORCHDDown 36: Fruity soda brandNEHIDDown 37: Homeowner's documentDEEDDDown 39: Phrase akin to "Darn it all!"AWSHUCKSDDown 40: ManufacturesMAKESDDown 44: Cars for vacationersRENTALSDDown 45: Japanese noodlesSOBADDown 49: Hillary ___ ClintonRODHAMDDown 50: SleazeballCREEPODDown 51: Queued (up)LINEDDDown 52: Really impressedINAWEDDown 53: PC spinnerCD-ROMDDown 54: Freshwater polypHYDRADDown 55: Paying attentionALERTDDown 56: Change from artificial blond back to brunet, sayREDYEDDown 58: Prison uprisingRIOTDDown 59: Rave's partnerRANTDDown 60: "Leave as is," to a proofreaderSTETDDown 64: ___ Paulo, BrazilSAO