New York Times Answers - Wednesday, 7th June 2017 There are 34 across clues and 37 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Wednesday, 7th June 2017. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Worthless moundsASHHEAPSAAcross 9: Bay Area campus, in briefUCSFAAcross 13: Reliable source of incomeSTEADYJOBAAcross 15: Impossible chess ending with a king and knight versus a lone kingMATEAAcross 16: Slimy outdoor pestGARDENSLUGAAcross 18: "Save yourself!," e.g.PLEAAAcross 19: Didn't get takeoutATEINAAcross 20: At the apex ofATOPAAcross 22: "___ Misérables"LESAAcross 23: UnwindRESTAAcross 24: Item in the lingerie departmentGARTER BELTAAcross 27: Not allowing sales of alcoholDRYAAcross 28: Aquamarine or amethystGEMAAcross 29: Had as a customerSOLDTOAAcross 30: Determined to accomplishSET ONAAcross 30: Determined to accomplishSETONAAcross 32: Away from the office, sayNOTINAAcross 33: Classic 1976 Ramones song that begins "Hey! Ho! Let's go!"BLITZKRIEGBOPAAcross 37: Wade noisilySLOSHAAcross 38: French girlfriendsAMIESAAcross 39: Liane ___, longtime NPR hostHANSENAAcross 41: "Moreover ..."ANDAAcross 42: InexperiencedRAWAAcross 45: Diamond-patterned footwearARGYLESOCKAAcross 48: ___-tillerROTOAAcross 49: "I've seen better"MEHAAcross 50: Campus V.I.P.PROFAAcross 51: U.S. base in Cuba, informallyGITMOAAcross 52: Kick (out)BOOTAAcross 54: ImprovisedOFF-THE-CUFFAAcross 57: TemptLUREAAcross 58: Safely run down the clock, in footballTAKEAKNEEAAcross 59: Mediterranean volcanoETNAAAcross 60: Road-scraping custom carLOWRIDERDDown 1: Home of the Norse godsASGARDDDown 2: Granite ___ (New Hampshire resident)STATERDDown 3: Religious unorthodoxyHERESYDDown 4: Lost all patienceHADITDDown 5: Old Testament paradiseEDENDDown 6: "The Fountainhead" author RandAYNDDown 7: Comfy sleepwearPJ'SDDown 8: Kind of renewable energySOLARDDown 9: Baseball boobird's target, oftenUMPDDown 10: Hailed from afarCALLEDTODDown 11: Hardy work shoe featureSTEELTIPDDown 12: Enjoy heartily, as a banquetFEASTONDDown 14: KeisterBUTTDDown 17: "There ___ the neighborhood"GOESDDown 21: Like antlers and pitchforksPRONGEDDDown 24: Jazzman StanGETZDDown 25: Wild way to runAMOKDDown 26: Amorphous shapesBLOBSDDown 28: Entreaty to LassieGETHELPDDown 30: Actress SpacekSISSYDDown 31: Second Amendment advocacy grp.NRADDown 33: Announce loudlyBLARE OUTDDown 34: University of Texas athleteLONGHORNDDown 35: Apple desktopIMACDDown 36: Text-displaying technology on KindlesEINKDDown 37: Walk with an awkward gaitSHAMBLEDDown 40: Wolfe of crime fictionNERODDown 42: Roly-polyROTUNDDDown 43: Withdrawal chargeATMFEEDDown 44: Low-frequency stereo componentWOOFERDDown 46: VelvetySOFTDDown 47: Butcher's scrapsOFFALDDown 48: Lake of daytime TVRICKIDDown 51: Flippers, scuba tank, etc., for a diverGEARDDown 53: Nonalcoholic brewTEADDown 55: Boxing decision, for shortTKODDown 56: Take an ax toHEW