New York Times Answers - Monday, 21st December 2015 There are 36 across clues and 42 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Monday, 21st December 2015. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Raised hairstylesUPDOSAAcross 6: TV group featuring Mr. T, with "the"A-TEAMAAcross 11: However, informallyTHOAAcross 14: Caught some Z'sSLEPTAAcross 15: ___ Park (Thomas Edison's home)MENLOAAcross 16: Arachnid's snareWEBAAcross 17: Unnamed object #1CONTRAPTIONAAcross 19: Yiddish lamentsOYSAAcross 20: Slithery fishesEELSAAcross 21: SharpshooterDEADEYEAAcross 23: ... #2DOODADAAcross 26: Shell's shell and Chevron's chevronLOGOSAAcross 27: Declare one's candidacyRUNAAcross 28: The "m" of E = mc^2MASSAAcross 28: The "m" of E = mc^2MASS.AAcross 31: ... #3DINGUSAAcross 32: Cards that top kingsACESAAcross 34: Mother ___ (nun who won a Nobel Peace Prize)TERESAAAcross 36: ... #4WHATCHAMACALLITAAcross 42: Language of EgyptARABICAAcross 43: Amount of medicineDOSEAAcross 44: ... #5WIDGETAAcross 47: Stitched line on a baseballSEAMAAcross 50: Nintendo's Super ___NESAAcross 51: How Santa dresses, mostlyINREDAAcross 52: ... #6GADGETAAcross 54: Paramount and UniversalSTUDIOSAAcross 57: BMW rivalAUDIAAcross 58: "THAT guy!"HIMAAcross 59: ... #7THINGAMAJIGAAcross 64: Big bird of AustraliaEMUAAcross 65: How pastrami might be servedONRYEAAcross 66: One end of a batteryANODEAAcross 67: Aug. followerSEPAAcross 68: Romantic dozenROSESAAcross 69: HenpeckNAGATDDown 1: The Trojans of the N.C.A.A.USCDDown 2: Gaza grp.PLODDown 3: Locale for bears or thievesDENDDown 4: Chose (to)OPTEDDDown 5: Transmit continuously, as videoSTREAMDDown 6: Rock band boostersAMPSDDown 7: Asian New YearTETDDown 8: Woman's name that means "eat" backwardENIDDDown 9: Succulent healerALOEDDown 10: Da Vinci masterpiece with an intriguing smileMONALISADDown 11: Like a medium-size omeletTWOEGGDDown 12: "Psst!"HEYYOUDDown 13: Worry compulsivelyOBSESSDDown 18: He played Hawkeye on "M*A*S*H"ALDADDown 22: Ivana's ex, with "the"DONALDDDown 23: Make a cartoon, e.g.DRAWDDown 24: "That hurt!"OUCHDDown 25: Prime draft statusONEADDown 29: Wild guessSTABDDown 30: Matches before the finalsSEMISDDown 31: Christmas mo.DECDDown 33: Presented, as a playSTAGEDDDown 35: Marathon, e.g.RACEDDown 37: Debtor's oppositeCREDITORDDown 38: Panama or bowlerHATDDown 39: New York's ___ IslandLONGDDown 40: "Aha!"ISEEDDown 41: Big quizTESTDDown 44: Trio from a genieWISHESDDown 45: By the deadlineIN TIMEDDown 45: By the deadlineINTIMEDDown 46: Work to increase, as businessDRUM UPDDown 48: Water, to JuanitaAGUADDown 49: LunaticMADMANDDown 53: Prince William's motherDIANADDown 55: "Horrors!"OHNODDown 56: "Dear ___" (letter starter)SIRSDDown 57: ___ 8 and up (game specification)AGESDDown 60: "Science Guy" BillNYEDDown 61: Nudge, as one's memoryJOGDDown 62: Boise's state: Abbr.IDADDown 63: Understand, as a jokeGET