New York Times Answers - Friday, 30th October 2015 There are 33 across clues and 34 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Friday, 30th October 2015. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Theme song of "The Doris Day Show"ITSMAGICAAcross 9: Autocrat's outputFIATSAAcross 14: Land bordering France and AndorraCATALONIAAAcross 16: "Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive" songwriterARLENAAcross 17: Minor additions to the bill?BPICTURESAAcross 18: Very, on musical scoresMOLTOAAcross 19: No better thanMEREAAcross 20: Demands payment fromDUNSAAcross 21: Formal response to a knockENTERAAcross 22: Ankle coveringGAITERAAcross 24: Excellent, in 1990s slangPHATAAcross 25: It's loadedCARGOAAcross 29: "Maybe someday"NOTASYETAAcross 31: Hindu hermitagesASHRAMSAAcross 33: Provider of track shots?STARTERAAcross 35: ExpeditiousSPEEDYAAcross 36: Twelver, religiously speakingSHI'ITEAAcross 36: Twelver, religiously speakingSHIITEAAcross 37: Drawing room furnitureSETTEESAAcross 39: Craft workersBOATMENAAcross 40: Driving storms?ROAD RAGEAAcross 42: Teammate of RobinsonREESEAAcross 43: Dot on the mapBURGAAcross 44: Stacked bedsSTRATAAAcross 46: ___-AmericanASIANAAcross 48: Legendary mountain climberYETIAAcross 49: Shingle supporterLATHAAcross 53: Badly made dough?LUCREAAcross 54: Bronx cheerRASPBERRYAAcross 56: Cars made in Trollhättan, formerlySAABSAAcross 57: Rendered speechlessSTUPEFIEDAAcross 58: ParcelALLOTAAcross 59: Result of upsetting a cup holder?SPITTAKEDDown 1: Transoceanic flier, brieflyICBMDDown 2: Stick with itTAPEDDown 3: To-doSTIRDDown 4: Knight clubMACEDDown 5: Music genre modifierALTDDown 6: Brine-soaked cheeseGOUDADDown 7: Completely fallen apartINRUINSDDown 8: A hundred to JuanCIENTODDown 9: Oscar-winning song of 1980FAMEDDown 10: Deluded prospector's findIRON PYRITEDDown 11: ConstantlyALL THE TIMEDDown 12: Private exchangesTETEATETESDDown 13: Wordless rejoinderSNORTDDown 15: Balance sheet columnASSETSDDown 22: Provided provocationGOADEDDDown 23: Joe Buck's pal in a 1969 filmRATSODDown 25: Lewis ___, presidential also-ran of 1848CASSDDown 26: In the standard mannerASPERUSUALDDown 27: Like some unanswered questionsRHETORICALDDown 28: Mata Hari portrayer of 1931GRETA GARBODDown 30: Setting of "Beau Geste"SAHARADDown 32: "Halloween" antagonist's surnameMYERSDDown 34: Lacoste of tennisRENEDDown 38: Bacchus' attendantsSATYRSDDown 39: PummelsBEATSUPDDown 41: People to rememberGREATSDDown 43: Wood used to make surfboardsBALSADDown 45: Hedren of "Marnie"TIPPIDDown 47: What matryoshka dolls doNESTDDown 49: Took offLEFTDDown 50: Scena componentARIADDown 51: Make arduous progressTREKDDown 52: London's ___ ParkHYDEDDown 55: VentureBET