New York Times Answers - Tuesday, 5th August 2014 There are 39 across clues and 39 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Tuesday, 5th August 2014. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Corn throwawaysCOBSAAcross 5: EmceeHOSTAAcross 9: Swampy tractMARSHAAcross 14: Common sunscreen additiveALOEAAcross 15: Sufficiently skilledABLEAAcross 16: ___ State (Hawaii)ALOHAAAcross 17: "That makes three strikes for O'Toole!"PETERSOUTAAcross 19: Japanese modelCAMRYAAcross 20: "That's plain wrong!"NOTSOAAcross 21: MiscalculatesERRSAAcross 23: Monopoly acquisitionDEEDAAcross 24: Shish kebab meatLAMBAAcross 26: "Uh-oh, Sajak has fallen in the field!"PATSDOWNAAcross 28: Spot for some local sudsBREWPUBAAcross 31: Ring king, onceALIAAcross 32: LummoxesOAFSAAcross 33: Basic training gradsGISAAcross 35: Christmas glitterTINSELAAcross 39: Cincinnati-to-Detroit dir.NNEAAcross 40: "Now we have Nicklaus at bat"JACKSUPAAcross 42: Good Grips kitchen brandOXOAAcross 43: Handyman's assignmentODD-JOBAAcross 45: Thus farYETAAcross 46: Chocolaty nibbleOREOAAcross 47: In the pastAGOAAcross 48: Shakespearean stormTEMPESTAAcross 50: "There goes Zuckerberg, trying for a steal!"MARKSOFFAAcross 55: Bellow in a bookstoreSAULAAcross 56: InklingIDEAAAcross 57: Margarita optionSALTAAcross 59: Luster for the lipsGLOSSAAcross 62: Dishonest typesLIARSAAcross 64: "Fisher made it to first base!"CARRIESONAAcross 66: Word with Sea or StarNORTHAAcross 67: Lake in an old railroad nameERIEAAcross 68: Classic soda brandNEHIAAcross 69: College applicant's compositionESSAYAAcross 70: Office sub, perhapsTEMPAAcross 71: Non-Derby paceTROTDDown 1: Title for Horatio Magellan Crunch, on cereal boxesCAPNDDown 2: Promise productOLEODDown 3: Like some motherless calves and foalsBOTTLE-FEDDDown 4: VacillatesSEESAWSDDown 5: ContainsHASDDown 6: Double-reed woodwindOBOEDDown 7: Eat noisilySLURPDDown 8: Neon ___TETRADDown 9: BubMACDDown 10: Magic lamp rubber of loreALADDINDDown 11: The "thou" in "Wherefore art thou?"ROMEODDown 12: Headstrong woman, as in ShakespeareSHREWDDown 13: Joseph who wrote the "Surprise" SymphonyHAYDNDDown 18: CavortROMPDDown 22: Things passed on the way to the White House?STATUTESDDown 25: Persistent problemsBUGABOOSDDown 27: Freudian mistakeSLIPDDown 28: Knighted U2 singerBONODDown 29: Name on many a road mapRANDDDown 30: Pen name?BICDDown 34: Wild blue yonderSKYDDown 36: One moaning and groaning after a defeatSORELOSERDDown 37: Custody sharers, oftenEXESDDown 38: PlunderLOOTDDown 40: Goes once or twice around the track, maybeJOGSDDown 41: Encyclopedia from A to Z, e.g.SETDDown 44: Indonesia's capitalJAKARTADDown 46: Splendidly luxuriousOPULENTDDown 49: New Testament gift bearersMAGIDDown 50: "Now We Are Six" writerMILNEDDown 51: "Hasta mañana"ADIOSDDown 52: Brings upREARSDDown 53: AspectFACETDDown 54: Signal lightFLAREDDown 58: Cut back a bitTRIMDDown 60: Gallery-filled Manhattan neighborhoodSOHODDown 61: State of vexationSNITDDown 63: Like a shrinking violetSHYDDown 65: One of 435 in D.C.REP