New York Times Answers - Wednesday, 25th December 2013 There are 40 across clues and 39 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Wednesday, 25th December 2013. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Punched-out parts of paper ballotsCHADSAAcross 6: It's difficult to see throughMURKAAcross 10: Writes as a postscript, sayADDSAAcross 14: Monsieur ___ (Jacques Tati role)HULOTAAcross 15: It's east of EuropeASIAAAcross 16: Quite an achievementFEATAAcross 17: Cara of "Fame"IRENEAAcross 18: SenselessNUMBAAcross 19: Prefix with presentOMNIAAcross 20: Stronger and harderSTEELIERAAcross 22: HullabalooUPROARAAcross 24: Common desk shapeELLAAcross 25: Tea typePEKOEAAcross 27: Barn ___OWLAAcross 30: Locale for an ibexALPAAcross 32: ErrorMISSTEPAAcross 36: "___ is not a lasting teacher of duty": CiceroFEARAAcross 38: SenselessDUMBAAcross 40: ___ vieEAUDEAAcross 41: One set of gifts in "The 12 Days of Christmas" ... as suggested by the circled squares?FIVEGOLDENRINGSAAcross 44: HintTRACEAAcross 45: Ukraine and others, once: Abbr.SSRSAAcross 46: Nuts and fruit, in part, for squirrelsDIETAAcross 47: Rebellious region of the CaucasusOSSETIAAAcross 49: Method: Abbr.SYSAAcross 51: Sellout signSROAAcross 52: Via ___ (main street of ancient Rome)SACRAAAcross 54: The Big Apple, for shortNYCAAcross 56: Second-highest peak in the CascadesSHASTAAAcross 59: Sport not played officially in the Olympics since 1908LA CROSSEAAcross 59: Sport not played officially in the Olympics since 1908LACROSSEAAcross 64: "Me neither"NORIAAcross 65: DevastationRUINAAcross 67: FumingIRATEAAcross 68: "Yikes!"OHNOAAcross 69: Not newUSEDAAcross 70: Christmas tree decorationANGELAAcross 71: GodsendBOONAAcross 72: Memory Stick manufacturerSONYAAcross 73: Anatomical sacsCYSTSDDown 1: X X XCHISDDown 2: OffendedHURTDDown 3: Sheltered, at seaALEEDDown 4: Gift recipientDONEEDDown 5: ___ Artois (beer)STELLADDown 6: Shock of hairMANEDDown 7: SeizeUSURPDDown 8: Backboard attachmentRIMDDown 9: Japanese dance-dramaKABUKIDDown 10: Raised above?AFORESAIDDDown 11: Infomercial partDEMODDown 12: ___ Perino, George W. Bush's last press secretaryDANADDown 13: Kool-Aid instructionSTIRDDown 21: "___ Anything" (1994 Nick Nolte/Albert Brooks film)ILLDODDown 23: Baffling problemPOSERDDown 26: Poker targets?EMBERSDDown 27: Leaving forOFFTODDown 28: Small damsWEIRSDDown 29: Aa and pahoehoeLAVASDDown 31: Distant radiation sourcePULSARDDown 33: North African capitalTUNISDDown 34: Lawn toolEDGERDDown 35: Sauce made with pine nutsPESTODDown 37: DownturnRECESSIONDDown 39: E.R. figuresMDSDDown 42: SuggestGET ATDDown 43: "This I Promise You" group, 2000NSYNCDDown 48: Hubristic flier of mythICARUSDDown 50: Ancient Mideast languageSYRIACDDown 53: BizarreALIENDDown 55: Not subtle, as humorCORNYDDown 56: Hardly the hoi polloi typeSNOBDDown 57: Syllables from SantaHOHODDown 58: Florence's riverARNODDown 60: Humorist RooneyANDYDDown 61: DownturnsSAGSDDown 62: Typesetting directionSTETDDown 63: Sushi fishEELSDDown 66: Tour grp.USO