New York Times Answers - Monday, 2nd March 2009 There are 41 across clues and 41 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Monday, 2nd March 2009. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: SpookyEERIEAAcross 6: Walk with heavy stepsTRAMPAAcross 11: College transcript no.GPAAAcross 14: What a cowboy may use while saying "Giddyup!"SPURSAAcross 15: Course to breeze throughEASYAAAcross 16: Brit. resource for wordsmithsO.E.D.AAcross 16: Brit. resource for wordsmithsOEDAAcross 17: Inspector Clouseau movie, with "The"PINKPANTHERAAcross 19: Hi-fi supplyLPSAAcross 20: "If I Had a Hammer" singer LopezTRINIAAcross 21: Rye and whole wheatBREADSAAcross 23: Invent, as a phraseCOINAAcross 24: TV host PhilbinREGISAAcross 27: Stats for sluggersRBISAAcross 29: Air that makes you go [cough, cough]SMOGAAcross 30: Alert to dangerWARNAAcross 31: Martial arts actor LeeBRUCEAAcross 32: Asian New YearTETAAcross 33: Draped Delhi dressSARIAAcross 34: Start a Web sessionLOG ONAAcross 34: Start a Web sessionLOGONAAcross 35: Poet Gelett Burgess wrote that he never saw onePURPLECOWAAcross 38: Bitterly pungentACRIDAAcross 41: Gentle rise and fall of the voiceLILTAAcross 42: Ghost's cryBOOAAcross 45: Plodding journeysTREKSAAcross 46: Emperor who fiddled around?NEROAAcross 47: Like the models in a swimsuit issueSEXYAAcross 48: Pie à la ___MODEAAcross 49: Patients, to doctorsCASESAAcross 50: What you might catch a tiger by, in a sayingTAILAAcross 51: Pull outUPROOTAAcross 53: Antelope with a hump and twisted hornsELANDAAcross 55: "How was ___ know?"ITOAAcross 56: Lewis Carroll character who's lateWHITERABBITAAcross 60: Politico ___ PaulRONAAcross 61: Belly buttonNAVELAAcross 62: Public squarePLAZAAAcross 63: Unspecified amountANYAAcross 64: Take furtivelySNEAKAAcross 65: Rocker Bob with the Silver Bullet BandSEGERDDown 1: Parapsychology subject, brieflyE.S.P.DDown 1: Parapsychology subject, brieflyESPDDown 2: Perfect exampleEPITOMEDDown 3: Go wildRUNRIOTDDown 4: AnnoyingIRKINGDDown 5: Jock's channelESPNDDown 6: Number of sides in a decagonTENDDown 7: SquealerRATDDown 8: Rubbish holderASH-BINDDown 8: Rubbish holderASHBINDDown 9: Fort ___, Fla.MYERSDDown 10: Cut, as expensesPAREDDown 11: Edgar Allan Poe story, with "The"GOLDBUGDDown 12: Its brands include Frito-Lay and TropicanaPEPSICODDown 13: CommercialsADSDDown 18: Combat with fighter-bombersAIRWARDDown 22: Symbol by the phrase "You are here"ARROWDDown 23: Chicago's winter hrs.CSTDDown 25: O.K. Corral gunslingerEARPDDown 26: Decorative gratingsGRILLESDDown 28: One of 100 on the Hill: Abbr.SENDDown 31: Ink stainBLOTDDown 33: Soapy frothSUDSDDown 35: CheapskatePIKERDDown 36: Yeats's homelandEIREDDown 37: Ninth-inning relief pitcherCLOSERDDown 38: Source of PIN money?ATMDDown 39: Salad cubeCROUTONDDown 40: John Steinbeck book, with "The"REDPONYDDown 42: Hacky Sack, basicallyBEANBAGDDown 43: Form rust, sayOXIDIZEDDown 44: Popeye's Olive ___OYLDDown 46: IndigenousNATIVEDDown 47: Sty : hogs :: ___ : horsesSTABLEDDown 49: George M. who composed "Over There"COHANDDown 52: Holds the title toOWNSDDown 54: Swimmers' distancesLAPSDDown 55: Money for the senior yrs.IRADDown 57: Afternoon socialTEADDown 58: Antlered animalELKDDown 59: Black gooTAR