New York Times Answers - Sunday, 6th August 2006 There are 69 across clues and 74 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Sunday, 6th August 2006. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: See 131-AcrossMANAAcross 4: Root holdersSCALPSAAcross 10: End of "Lohengrin"ACTIIIAAcross 16: Minor playerCOGAAcross 19: Manning the quarterbackELIAAcross 20: Good to goALLSETAAcross 21: Perfume bottleFLACONAAcross 22: Itinerary info: Abbr.ARRAAcross 23: Yo-yoNUTAAcross 24: Demonstration against a Miss America pageant?BEAUTYPROTESTAAcross 26: Riddle-me-___REEAAcross 27: One making calls from homeUMPIREAAcross 29: Off one's feedILLAAcross 29: Off one's feedILL.AAcross 30: Tourist's aidMAPAAcross 31: Fingerprint featureRIDGEAAcross 33: Multiplying rapidly?INASTATEOFPROFUSIONAAcross 38: Legendary elephant eatersROCSAAcross 40: Sinuous swimmerEELAAcross 41: It maddens MADDDWIAAcross 42: Italian innkeeperPADRONEAAcross 43: Loose rope fiber used as caulkingOAKUMAAcross 45: RuckusADOAAcross 47: Shoebox lettersEEEAAcross 50: Grant-giving grp.NEAAAcross 51: Collection of publications about historical advances?THELIBRARYOFPROGRESSAAcross 58: Rush violentlyHURTLEAAcross 59: IntersticeGAPAAcross 60: Northern Ireland politician Paisley and othersIANSAAcross 61: Dog itLOAFAAcross 63: Follower of Shakespeare?ANAAAcross 65: Matter of aestheticsARTAAcross 66: Honored Fr. womanSTEAAcross 67: Fab Four forenameRINGOAAcross 68: One who accidentally blurts out "I did it!"?ABSENTMINDEDCONFESSORAAcross 75: De ___FACTOAAcross 76: Do-do connectorASIAAcross 77: In excelsis ___DEOAAcross 78: Perp prosecutorsDASAAcross 79: ___ B'rithBNAIAAcross 80: Is indisposedAILSAAcross 81: Use as a resourceTAPAAcross 82: Nobel-winning poet HeaneySEAMUSAAcross 87: Nose-picking and belching in the White House?GROSSNATIONALCONDUCTAAcross 92: L.A.P.D. partLOSAAcross 93: Work for eds.MSSAAcross 94: Untilled tractLEAAAcross 95: Coil inventorTESLAAAcross 96: Where people travel between poles?SKIAREAAAcross 100: "Little Birds" authorNINAAcross 103: Twisted letterESSAAcross 105: Person who's not straightLIARAAcross 106: Competitor's dedication to hard training?CONTESTANTWORKETHICAAcross 111: Shaded spotsOASESAAcross 112: Carnation or roseHUEAAcross 113: Gray sprayASHAAcross 114: Come back againRE-ECHOAAcross 114: Come back againREECHOAAcross 117: Bird ___FLUAAcross 118: Item to be checked on a census form?PROFESSIONBOXAAcross 123: Bit for an acceleratorIONAAcross 124: ConsiderablyFARAAcross 125: Taking prescription drugs, informallyONMEDSAAcross 126: Put something onENROBEAAcross 127: Ki ___ (Korea's legendary founder)TSEAAcross 128: Antigua-to-Barbados dir.SSEAAcross 129: What to see in a Chevrolet, in old adsTHEUSAAAcross 130: Got as a resultREAPEDAAcross 131: With 1-Across, an agreeable guyYESDDown 1: Course offererMENUDDown 2: '06 class member, e.g.ALUMDDown 3: HairsplitterNITPICKERDDown 4: One born on a kibbutzSABRADDown 5: "Splitting Heirs" actorCLEESEDDown 6: Patterned afterALADDown 6: Patterned afterALA.DDown 7: Tiger Stadium's sch.LSUDDown 8: Minor, at lawPETITDDown 9: Like some hairSTYLEDDDown 10: Recipient of much intl. aidAFRDDown 11: Opposite of tiptoeCLOMPDDown 12: Turkic languageTATARDDown 13: Fruity frozen treatICEPOPDDown 14: Cyclades islandIOSDDown 15: Unwelcome visitorINTRUDERDDown 16: Healthful exercise, informallyCARDIODDown 17: Home of the John Day Fossil Beds National MonumentOREGONDDown 18: "The Quiet American" authorGREENEDDown 25: BulldozePLOWDDown 28: DigINSULTDDown 32: 4-Downs, e.g.ISRAELISDDown 34: Really runTEARDDown 35: "Jenny" co-star, 1970ALDADDown 36: Feudal estateFIEFDDown 37: Canines to beware ofFANGSDDown 38: "Zuckerman Unbound" novelistROTHDDown 39: Locale of Interstate H1OAHUDDown 44: Teatro alla Scala localeMILANODDown 46: Players for prayersORGANISTSDDown 48: Like some seesEPISCOPALDDown 49: Sister of ThaliaERATODDown 52: ContortedBENTDDown 53: Sometime sale siteYARDDDown 54: Decided one wouldOPTEDTODDown 55: ContinuouslyONENDDDown 56: Male issueSONSDDown 57: Starchy foodstuffSAGODDown 62: In place ofFORDDown 64: With great strengthAMAINDDown 67: Take as an affrontRESENTDDown 68: Flyboys' hdqrs.AFBDDown 69: Pow!BANGDDown 70: Leave a mark onSCARDDown 71: Drain of colorETIOLATEDDown 72: Faith of fakirsISLAMDDown 73: V.I.P. at V.P.I., sayDEANDDown 74: Burkina ___FASODDown 80: Stubborn sortsASSESDDown 83: Penguin varietyADELIEDDown 84: Nashville nicknameMUSICCITYDDown 85: Where Lew Alcindor playedUCLADDown 86: Critic's awardSTARDDown 88: Touchy subjectSORESPOTDDown 89: Fails to beISNTDDown 90: Garlic relativeLEEKDDown 91: Whodunit title wordCASEDDown 96: GibesSCOFFSDDown 97: Down Under denizensKOALASDDown 98: Have coveredINSUREDDown 99: InAT HOMEDDown 101: "___ robbed!"IWASDDown 102: More prone to pryNOSIERDDown 104: Flash light?STROBEDDown 107: Pot-___ (French meat-and-vegetables dish)AUFEUDDown 108: Must haveNEEDSDDown 109: Lyon is its capitalRHONEDDown 110: Under a spellHEXEDDDown 115: Watering aidHOSEDDown 116: Some till fillONESDDown 119: Abbr. after Sen. Judd Gregg's nameRNHDDown 120: Nine-digit ID issuerSSADDown 121: Org. that publishes American HunterNRADDown 122: KnockBOP