New York Times Answers - Friday, 18th November 2005 There are 33 across clues and 34 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Friday, 18th November 2005. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Alpha particle emitterRADIUMAAcross 7: Admitted guilt forPLEDTOAAcross 13: SlipsERRATAAAcross 14: Not for realILLUSORYAAcross 16: Fenced-in areaSTALAGAAcross 17: Mrs. Lovett's pastries in "Sweeney Todd"MEATPIESAAcross 18: Letters at a launchUSSAAcross 19: Jelly Roll Morton genreHOT JAZZAAcross 21: "Gimme ___!"DATAAcross 22: First name in spydomMATAAAcross 24: Big wheel at a supermarket?GOUDAAAcross 25: 1970's baseball All-Star ___ ColbertNATEAAcross 26: "I Still See ___" ("Paint Your Wagon" song)ELISAAAcross 28: Wall St. market, brieflyASEAAcross 29: Broadcast networkAIRERAAcross 30: B teamSECONDSTRINGERSAAcross 33: UnattachedFOOTLOOSEAAcross 34: JittersABUNDLEOFNERVESAAcross 40: Mode of travel pointed in two directionsCANOEAAcross 41: New Testament book: Abbr.ROMAAcross 42: Be still, at seaLIETOAAcross 43: Sticking point?CRAWAAcross 44: CornballHOKEYAAcross 46: Organ teacher's field: Abbr.ANATAAcross 47: It's tied in backOBIAAcross 48: They're made by running waterRAVINESAAcross 50: Tognazzi of "La Cage aux Folles"UGOAAcross 51: Headphone wearersRADIOMENAAcross 53: Tries to get the hard-to-getCHASESAAcross 55: It may be French or Italian, but not GermanDRESSINGAAcross 56: Latin word usually abbreviated with a single letterCETERAAAcross 57: Whipper-snapper?SADISTAAcross 58: Admiral at Guadalcanal, 1943HALSEYDDown 1: A lot of copy shop businessRESUMESDDown 2: Discount oil sourceARTSALEDDown 3: Far-reachingDRASTICDDown 4: Suffix with differentIALDDown 5: Where I-15 and I-70 crossUTAHDDown 6: Land with a cavalry in EzekielMAGOGDDown 7: Fountain localePLAZADDown 8: Leap for LipinskiLUTZDDown 9: Special giftE.S.P.DDown 9: Special giftESPDDown 10: Hesitant questionDOIDAREDDown 11: Popular dinerTREATERDDown 12: Bar offeringsOYSTERSDDown 14: Response to a sales clerkIMJUSTLOOKINGDDown 15: Take-charge kind of guyLEADEROFMENDDown 20: Handy kitchen cookerTOASTER OVENDDown 23: CurrentlyASOFNOWDDown 25: Home of Literature Nobelist Wole SoyinkaNIGERIADDown 27: Cell partANODEDDown 29: An AdamsANSELDDown 31: Currency board abbr.DOLDDown 32: One may get bondedIONDDown 34: AgreementsACCORDSDDown 35: English novelist PymBARBARADDown 36: Without helpUNAIDEDDDown 37: Beautiful womenVENUSESDDown 38: Knickknack holderETAGEREDDown 39: In other wordsSOTOSAYDDown 44: Emote, with "up"HAMITDDown 45: "That's disgusting!"YECCHDDown 48: Famed sewerROSSDDown 49: Big Apple parkSHEADDown 52: "Woe ___" (classic book for "grammarphobes")ISIDDown 54: Natl. League cityATL