New York Times Answers - Thursday, 19th May 2005 There are 37 across clues and 40 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Thursday, 19th May 2005. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: ArrangePLANAAcross 5: Sixth Jewish monthADARAAcross 9: Suddenly interestGRABAAcross 13: Sno-cone choiceLIMEAAcross 14: Football officialLINE JUDGEAAcross 16: Blastoff of Spirit or Opportunity?EMISSIONTOMARSAAcross 18: Danke preceder, perhapsBITTEAAcross 19: General Motors make, nowSAABAAcross 20: GetsSEESAAcross 22: Etching toolSTYLUSAAcross 24: Choice for people who go Dutch?KLMAAcross 26: Time pieceERAAAcross 27: Once-beautiful castle?ESTATEOFRUINAAcross 31: Desert land: Abbr.ISRAAcross 34: WrangleSPARAAcross 35: Surveyor's aidTRIPODAAcross 36: TurndownsNOESAAcross 38: "I Will Follow ___" (1963 #1 hit)HIMAAcross 40: Ill-humoredDOURAAcross 41: CloakedDRAPEDAAcross 44: Syrup-soaked cakeBABAAAcross 47: Secretive org.NSAAAcross 48: Moon-pastry?ECLAIRDELUNEAAcross 51: Poetic contractionE'ENAAcross 51: Poetic contractionEENAAcross 52: Word repeated in Shelley's line "___ happiness, ___ majesty, ___ fame"NORAAcross 53: Library areaSTACKSAAcross 57: BlahDRABAAcross 59: Greek lettersPHISAAcross 62: "___ the Sheriff" (Eric Clapton hit)ISHOTAAcross 63: Three-hanky film?EMOTIONPICTUREAAcross 66: Natural mood altererSEROTONINAAcross 67: List enderET ALAAcross 67: List enderET AL.AAcross 68: Certain N.C.O.SSGTAAcross 69: Donkey ___ (game)KONGAAcross 70: Artist MagritteRENEDDown 1: CommonersPLEBSDDown 2: 55 miles an hour, maybeLIMITDDown 3: FriendlinessAMITYDDown 4: Chocolatier HenriNESTLEDDown 5: Lord of the ring, onceALIDDown 6: God: Sp.DIOSDDown 7: Pavlova of balletANNADDown 8: Second shotRETAKEDDown 9: Bite harmlesslyGUMDDown 10: Food product figs.RDASDDown 11: Mutually acceptAGREEUPONDDown 12: "Stop fooling around!"BESERIOUSDDown 15: Miscellany of merchandiseJOB LOTDDown 17: Big name in children's booksSEUSSDDown 21: Dee of "Gidget"SANDRADDown 23: Big letters in racingS.T.P.DDown 23: Big letters in racingSTPDDown 25: Plant owner: Abbr.MFRDDown 28: Response during a medical checkupAAHDDown 29: Sioux or CreeTRIBEDDown 30: Empty (of)RIDDDown 31: "Really!"INDEEDDDown 32: WitchSORCERESSDDown 33: What Voltaire and Mark Twain were notREALNAMESDDown 37: GetawaySPADDown 39: ___ de tête (French headache)MALDDown 42: German articleEINDDown 43: "End of discussion!"DROPITDDown 45: It follows a lineBUSDDown 46: MadcapANTICDDown 49: Leader of the Medicine Show, in 1970's rockDRHOOKDDown 50: ___ SundayEASTERDDown 54: Water slide, e.g.CHUTEDDown 55: Holy textKORANDDown 56: Engraved pillarSTELEDDown 58: Wimbledon champ, 1976-80BORGDDown 60: ___ hurryINNODDown 61: "Wheel of Fortune" choiceSPINDDown 64: TadTOTDDown 65: Like Dvorák's Symphony No. 8ING