New York Times Answers - Wednesday, 27th April 2005 There are 40 across clues and 39 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Wednesday, 27th April 2005. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Mold-y food?ASPICAAcross 6: Gathering clouds, sayOMENAAcross 10: Picnic racer's gearSACKAAcross 14: Fuzzy 66-AcrossPEACHAAcross 15: Whatever she wants, she gets, in songLOLAAAcross 16: Shrek, e.g.OGREAAcross 17: Betting odds, for exampleRATIOAAcross 18: Speaker's placeDAISAAcross 19: Overwhelm with humorSLAYAAcross 20: Start of a quipTHERESNOSNOOZEAAcross 23: Like a churlRUDEAAcross 24: Way of the EastTAOAAcross 25: Hitched, so to speakWEDAAcross 26: Notable timeERAAAcross 29: Do a salt's jobSWABAAcross 31: Caterer's vesselURNAAcross 33: Something to pick?BONEAAcross 35: Matinee ___IDOLAAcross 37: Full of substanceMEATYAAcross 41: Part 2 of the quipBUTTONONACATWHOAAcross 44: Con gameSTINGAAcross 45: Be oversentimentalGUSHAAcross 46: Dig forSEEKAAcross 47: Part of a dish's nameALAAAcross 47: Part of a dish's nameALA.AAcross 49: Be anxiousSTEWAAcross 51: Salon supplyDYEAAcross 52: NoshedATEAAcross 55: One with pointy-toed shoesELFAAcross 57: Nationals, againTEAMAAcross 59: End of the quipWANTSBREAKFASTAAcross 64: Prefix with -cratAUTOAAcross 65: Have comingEARNAAcross 66: Some produceFRUITAAcross 68: Floored itSPEDAAcross 69: Little dentDINGAAcross 70: Journalist EllerbeeLINDAAAcross 71: White knightHEROAAcross 72: Substitute spreadOLEOAAcross 73: Beaverlike?EAGERDDown 1: Kind of financingAPRDDown 2: Political prizeSEATDDown 3: It's troddenPATHDDown 4: Not so congenialICIERDDown 5: Repeated partCHORUSDDown 6: Ancient Mariner, e.g.OLDSEADOGDDown 7: ComplainMOANDDown 8: "The Sacred Wood" essayist, 1920ELIOTDDown 9: Bahamian capitalNASSAUDDown 10: Just O.K.SO-SODDown 11: Lit upAGLOWDDown 12: The Hula Hoop, onceCRAZEDDown 13: Excited, with "up"KEYEDDDown 21: Buzz Aldrin's birth nameEDWINDDown 22: Bellini operaNORMADDown 26: Falls backEBBSDDown 27: Lopsided winROUTDDown 28: Prefix with lock or knockANTIDDown 30: Extra $$$BONUSDDown 32: Lepidopterists' gearNETSDDown 34: Europe's highest volcanoETNADDown 36: Title happening in a much-discussed 1973 filmLASTTANGODDown 38: DumbfoundedAWEDDDown 39: Unnamed onesTHEYDDown 40: Farm linkYOKEDDown 42: Makes eyes atOGLESDDown 43: BrashnessCHEEKDDown 48: Reflecting power of a planetALBEDODDown 50: Iron productWAFFLEDDown 52: Up to one's earsAWASHDDown 53: Hosiery shadeTAUPEDDown 54: Script directionENTERDDown 56: Hardly robustFRAILDDown 58: A ShriverMARIADDown 60: FussTO-DODDown 61: Fish-eating raptorERNEDDown 62: Like some telegramsSUNGDDown 63: Cause of shore erosionTIDEDDown 67: BlackenTAR