New York Times Answers - Thursday, 29th March 2001 There are 35 across clues and 42 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Thursday, 29th March 2001. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Scotland's ___ FyneLOCHAAcross 5: It's nothing to speak ofTABOOAAcross 10: Perennial presidential campaign issueJOBSAAcross 14: Memo phraseINREAAcross 15: Part of a U.S. census categoryASIANAAcross 16: "Did you ___?!"EVERAAcross 17: BoundLEAPAAcross 18: Manly apparelKILTSAAcross 19: ___ avisRARAAAcross 20: Half of a decoder ringABCDEFGHIJKLMAAcross 23: Former nuclear power org.AECAAcross 24: "Cómo ___ usted?"ESTAAAcross 25: Maserati, e.g.FASTCARAAcross 29: It gives you an outEGRESSAAcross 34: The Buckeyes: Abbr.OSUAAcross 35: HeraldedRANGAAcross 38: What a rubber produces?GENIEAAcross 39: Secret messageLFIXLEVIRHYOLDMAAcross 43: Hall-of-Fame coach MikeDITKAAAcross 44: Author WieselELIEAAcross 45: Clay, after transformationALIAAcross 46: English essayist Sir RichardSTEELEAAcross 48: Unpleasant onesNASTIESAAcross 51: Landers and othersANNSAAcross 54: Opus ___DEIAAcross 55: Other half of the decoder ringZYXWVUTSRQPONAAcross 61: Thailand, onceSIAMAAcross 62: More than hotIRATEAAcross 63: Gave the go-aheadOKEDAAcross 65: French 101 verbETREAAcross 66: PluralizersESSESAAcross 67: Woman of the hausFRAUAAcross 68: Its motto is L'Étoile du Nord: Abbr.MINN.AAcross 69: Thomas Jefferson, religiouslyDEISTAAcross 70: InevitabilityFATEDDown 1: Not-so-apt word for AbnerLILDDown 2: Suitable for serviceONEADDown 3: Shore catchCRABDDown 4: One who's beat but good?HEPCATDDown 5: "Be well"TAKE CAREDDown 6: Catchphrase from "Clueless"ASIFDDown 7: PoppycockBILGEDDown 8: They may be made with BiblesOATHSDDown 9: PresentON-SITEDDown 10: Be rough with the reinsJERKDDown 11: Flattened figureOVALDDown 12: EarthworkBERMDDown 13: Madrid Mme.SRADDown 21: Big holiday mo.DECDDown 22: NotchedJAGGYDDown 25: Makes origamiFOLDSDDown 26: Comparatively healthyASFITDDown 27: Deluxe accommodationsSUITEDDown 28: All-night partyRAVEDDown 30: Early autoREODDown 31: Zhou ___ENLAIDDown 32: Move like a 3-DownSIDLEDDown 33: Tournament roundSEMISDDown 36: NothingNILDDown 37: SmileGRINDDown 40: Classic JaguarXKEDDown 41: Hit 1980's-90's NBC dramaLALAWDDown 42: Car safety featureHEADRESTDDown 47: CovetedENVIEDDDown 49: Et ___ (footnote abbr.)SEQDDown 50: WarnTIP-OFFDDown 50: WarnTIPOFFDDown 52: Hospital figureNURSEDDown 53: Former East German secret policeSTASIDDown 55: Tubes in the kitchenZITIDDown 56: TaleYARNDDown 57: Marvel Comics heroesXMENDDown 58: Jeanne d'Arc et al.: Abbr.STESDDown 59: Gumbo componentOKRADDown 60: Without iceNEATDDown 61: Relig. training groundSEMDDown 64: Company in Italy?DUE