New York Times Answers - Sunday, 12th November 2000 There are 61 across clues and 80 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Sunday, 12th November 2000. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Rigging attachmentMASTAAcross 5: Man on first?ADAMAAcross 9: RiffraffSCUMAAcross 13: Walk fancilySASHAYAAcross 19: Folk forenameARLOAAcross 20: SweatsWORKSHARDAAcross 22: So to so, sayOCTAVEAAcross 23: Use a fisherman to put the kibosh on?SCOTCHWITHABASSCHASERAAcross 26: CircleCOTERIEAAcross 27: Game point, in tennisADINAAcross 28: Argus-eyedALERTAAcross 29: Authenticated "Death of a Salesman" manuscript?MILLERGENUINEDRAFTAAcross 35: You may be lost without itMAPAAcross 38: Center of a ball?BELLEAAcross 39: Focus of a July 2000 crash investigationSSTAAcross 40: Disparaging wordSLURAAcross 41: John Wooden Center siteUCLAAAcross 43: TakenIN USEAAcross 47: Game portionHALFAAcross 50: ___ corda (musical direction)UNAAAcross 51: Obi-Wan Kenobi actor's thoughts about Gregory Hines?GUINNESSONTAPAAcross 56: Composer of La Scala's premiere operaSALIERIAAcross 58: Where Peggy Fleming won goldGRENOBLEAAcross 59: French Revolution figureMARATAAcross 61: Homemade pistolZIP GUNAAcross 62: Kind of storySADAAcross 63: Gymnast's pointed partTOEAAcross 64: Aries or TaurusCARAAcross 65: Choice marbleTAWAAcross 67: ___ age (long time)COONSAAcross 68: Headline about Aniston and Pitt's breakup?JANDBONTHEROCKSAAcross 72: Bahraini V.I.P.SHEIKAAcross 75: Kind of storySOBAAcross 76: Opera singer BostridgeIANAAcross 77: Lago feederRIOAAcross 78: ___ pro nobisORAAAcross 81: Certain freight trainCOALERAAcross 83: Extract forcefullyWRINGAAcross 85: Voluntarily, perhapsASAFAVORAAcross 87: Oration stationROSTRUMAAcross 89: Early spring sights?ACOUPLEOFBUDSAAcross 91: Pastels and suchARTAAcross 92: Hold backSTEMAAcross 94: Be in an altared state?KNEELAAcross 95: Splashy 1963 film title role, for shortCLEOAAcross 96: ChinwagsGABSAAcross 98: Baseball card abbr.RBIAAcross 100: New York University's ___ School of the ArtsTISCHAAcross 104: Long periodEONAAcross 105: Maple Leafs team photo?SHOTOFCANADIANCLUBAAcross 112: South American capitalSUCREAAcross 113: ImmenselyATONAAcross 114: CavitiesHOLLOWSAAcross 118: Warren Spahn?PITCHEROFOLDMILWAUKEEAAcross 123: Stilt's cousinAVOCETAAcross 124: Score after a tie-breaking safetyNINESEVENAAcross 125: Bad thing to be underFIREAAcross 126: Choir sectionTENORSAAcross 127: Split personalities?EXESAAcross 128: ShortchangesGYPSAAcross 129: Oats, possiblyFEEDDDown 1: Like some nouns: Abbr.MASCDDown 2: ___ Arena (Kings' home)ARCODDown 3: Token takerSLOTDDown 4: Family figureTOTEMDDown 5: How long one might stayAWHILEDDown 6: ProsperDO WELLDDown 7: Uris protagonistARIDDown 8: AMEX, e.g.: Abbr.MKTDDown 9: A park may provide itSHADEDDown 10: Ship assignmentCABINDDown 11: Father of the TitansURANUSDDown 12: Ward workers, for shortMDSDDown 13: Pedestal baseSOCLEDDown 14: HurtACHEDDDown 15: Kay and KennethSTARRSDDown 16: South-of-the-border sign-offHASTALUEGODDown 17: Old-time welcomeAVEDDown 18: Suffix with lawYERDDown 21: PursueSHAGDDown 24: It may be in the palm of one's handCRIBDDown 25: Holiday hireesSANTASDDown 30: "ER" actress ChristineELISEDDown 31: Union city?RENODDown 32: Suffix with boor or MoorISHDDown 33: 5K, maybeFUN RUNDDown 33: 5K, maybeFUNRUNDDown 34: Track team?TRAINSDDown 35: "Mr. ___ Steps Out" (Leo Gorcey comedy)MUGGSDDown 36: Legend makerACURADDown 37: Employed busilyPLIEDDDown 42: First name in adviceANNDDown 44: Deprive of courageUNMANDDown 45: Begin chastisingSTARTINONDDown 46: Lent part?EARDDown 48: ___-Boy reclinerLAZDDown 49: Extinguish, as some lightsFLICKOFFDDown 52: What an unappealing offer might getNOTAKERSDDown 53: Deep blackEBONDDown 54: They may fly in the winterSLEDSDDown 55: Blessed bread holderPATENDDown 57: Financial page listings, brieflyIPOSDDown 60: Concern of some smokersTARDDown 64: Army attack helicopterCOBRADDown 66: InferiorWORSEDDown 68: Dump, so to speakJILTDDown 69: It'll do for the presentBOWDDown 70: Peace Palace's place, with "The"HAGUEDDown 71: "Later"CIAODDown 72: RuntsSCRAGSDDown 73: "Yay!"HOORAHDDown 74: Ted Williams Tunnel localeEASTBOSTONDDown 78: Embryo sac encloserOVULEDDown 79: People may lose their seats in thisRODEODDown 80: Lighting of a torchARSONDDown 82: Oxcart's trackRUTDDown 84: "Gross!"ICKDDown 85: BeatALL INDDown 86: Epitome of simplicityABCDDown 88: "Jeepers Creepers" lyricistMERCERDDown 90: Anti-fur org.PETADDown 93: Many an execMBADDown 97: Plaster, in a waySTUCCODDown 99: StuckINAFIXDDown 101: CartSCHLEPDDown 102: FoolsCLOWNSDDown 103: Hippy movement?HULADDown 106: Orangish yellowOCHERDDown 107: StewsFRETSDDown 108: When many office workers return to workATONEDDown 109: Welfare grantsDOLESDDown 110: Some candidates: Abbr.INDSDDown 111: Poker ployBLUFFDDown 115: Panhandler, perhapsOKIEDDown 116: Number one starter?WEREDDown 117: Lentil, e.g.SEEDDDown 118: Learned perfectlyPATDDown 119: It may be added to impressIVEDDown 120: Like a gas gauge just before a fill-up?ONEDDown 121: Filmdom's RyanMEGDDown 122: Wrigley Field featureIVY