New York Times Answers - Monday, 6th September 1999 There are 40 across clues and 39 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Monday, 6th September 1999. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Support, with "up"PROPAAcross 5: Naturally curly hairdoAFROAAcross 9: SwindleSCAMAAcross 13: "___ Man" (Estevez film)REPOAAcross 14: ForeignerALIENAAcross 15: SharpenHONEAAcross 16: Arena shoutsOLESAAcross 17: Boxing startFIRSTROUNDAAcross 19: Destination of one who walks?FIRST BASEAAcross 21: Spine-tinglingEERIEAAcross 22: Walk stifflySTALKAAcross 23: Workers on dutySTAFFAAcross 25: Drink in a cupTEAAAcross 26: City southwest of TeheranQOMAAcross 28: Name in many a hospital nameST. LUKEAAcross 30: "Mamma ___!"MIAAAcross 33: Word for a kingSIREAAcross 35: Licorice sourcesANISESAAcross 38: ConcludesENDSAAcross 40: InferiorSECOND-RATEAAcross 42: Opportunity for a football squadSECONDDOWNAAcross 44: ___ instant (quickly)INANAAcross 45: Showy flowerAZALEAAAcross 46: ___-do-wellNE'ERAAcross 48: Criterion: Abbr.STDAAcross 49: Lightly sprayedMISTEDAAcross 51: The "L" of L.A.LOSAAcross 53: Republicans, for shortGOPAAcross 55: Circus sitesTENTSAAcross 57: CopycatsAPERSAAcross 61: English topicUSAGEAAcross 63: Subway dangerTHIRD RAILAAcross 65: Bronze medalTHIRDPRIZEAAcross 67: "___ small world..."ITSAAAcross 68: Western lilySEGOAAcross 69: Correo ___ (Spanish airmail)AEREOAAcross 70: Fed. agentsTMENAAcross 71: Yin's oppositeYANGAAcross 72: MarriesWEDSAAcross 73: PiquancyZESTDDown 1: Univ. teachersPROFSDDown 2: Ignited againRELITDDown 3: "Lohengrin," e.g.OPERADDown 4: Unmarried partner, in modern lingoPOSSLQDDown 5: Rose by any other name?ALIASDDown 6: Finishing orderFIRSTSECONDTHIRDDDown 7: Return to officeRESEATDDown 8: Toronto's prov.ONTDDown 9: High heel, e.g.SHOEDDown 10: ParamoursCOURTESANSDDown 11: Comics orphanANNIEDDown 12: Jiltee of mythMEDEADDown 14: Mil. jet localeAFBDDown 18: Money backREFUNDDDown 20: Bout enders, in briefTKOSDDown 24: Pajama materialFLANNELDDown 27: Assign a wrong year toMISDATEDDown 29: Singer ___ Te KanawaKIRIDDown 30: Western plateauMESADDown 31: Don Juan's motherINEZDDown 32: Big planning on Madison AvenueAD CAMPAIGNDDown 34: Checkers colorREDDDown 36: "L'___, c'est moi"ETATDDown 37: TransmitSENDDDown 39: Songs for oneSOLIDDown 41: Be indebted toOWEDDown 43: Made a home in a treeNESTEDDDown 47: Freeway, e.g.ROADDDown 50: Main order in a restaurantENTREEDDown 52: Little squirtSPRITZDDown 53: Full of nerveGUTSYDDown 54: Actor MiloOSHEADDown 56: Large and petiteSIZESDDown 58: Wonderland cake wordsEATMEDDown 59: Small hillsRISESDDown 60: BiasSLANTDDown 62: Old-fashioned sailors' drinkGROGDDown 64: Bygone carREODDown 66: ManhandlePAW