New York Times Answers - Thursday, 20th March 1997 There are 39 across clues and 37 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Thursday, 20th March 1997. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Santa ___CRUZAAcross 5: School subj.HISTAAcross 9: McEntire and othersREBASAAcross 14: He follows the newsLENOAAcross 15: Perry creatorERLEAAcross 16: La Scala cheerBRAVAAAcross 17: Jewish monthADARAAcross 18: Kind of companionBOONAAcross 19: Minipicture, maybeINSETAAcross 20: GawksRUBBERNECKSAAcross 23: Six-foot AustralianEMUAAcross 24: BrillianceECLATAAcross 25: Double curveOGEEAAcross 26: Uphill conveyanceT-BARAAcross 27: Get itSEEAAcross 28: Jumping-off place?SPRINGBOARDAAcross 31: SquireGENTAAcross 32: Sylvester's co-star in "Rocky"TALIAAAcross 33: Per ___CAPITAAAcross 38: ExpenseOUTLAYAAcross 39: About-faceU-TURNAAcross 40: LuxuriousPOSHAAcross 43: A long way to go?STRETCHLIMOAAcross 46: "Give ___ break!"U.S.A.AAcross 46: "Give ___ break!"USAAAcross 49: Manual offeringsTIPSAAcross 50: Hurler HershiserORELAAcross 51: Clemson athleteTIGERAAcross 53: Indian whose tribe's name means "lovers of sexual pleasure"OTOAAcross 54: Fastening deviceELASTIC BANDAAcross 56: Thoughtful sortMUSERAAcross 58: SlammerSTIRAAcross 59: First word in Massachusetts' mottoENSEAAcross 60: UtopiasEDENSAAcross 61: "...___ saw Elba"EREIAAcross 62: Gulf capitalADENAAcross 63: Back to zero, perhapsRESETAAcross 64: Reddish-brown gemSARDAAcross 65: Whipping site at seaMASTDDown 1: Luce and othersCLARESDDown 2: TruncateREDUCEDDown 3: ImpotentUNABLEDDown 4: Anthony Quinn title roleZORBADDown 5: Semitic lang.HEBRDDown 6: Magnetite, e.g.IRON OREDDown 7: Fruity liqueurSLOE GINDDown 8: Like an old pay telephone callTENCENTDDown 9: Stat for which Cecil Fielder once led the A.L.RBISDDown 10: West end?ERNDDown 11: Summer gameBASEBALLDDown 12: Church recitationAVE MARIADDown 13: Start of TV Guide listingsSATURDAYDDown 21: Bug-eyed monstersETSDDown 22: Stag party stapleKEGDDown 26: In every respectTO A TDDown 29: Couples grp.PGADDown 30: A.C. measureB.T.U.DDown 30: A.C. measureBTUDDown 33: Account, in a wayCUSTOMERDDown 34: DispositionATTITUDEDDown 35: They may be crossPURPOSESDDown 36: AngersIRESDDown 37: Demolitionist's supplyTNTDDown 38: Its symbol is an omegaOHMDDown 40: ExpressesPHRASESDDown 41: Pseudo fatOLESTRADDown 42: Less clear, as river waterSILTIERDDown 44: Milit. rankCOLDDown 45: Milit. schoolOTCDDown 46: Where Kampala isUGANDADDown 47: Physiological pentadSENSESDDown 48: EagerARDENTDDown 52: Skyscraper construction unitI-BEAMDDown 54: Start for whileERSTDDown 55: Crocus or freesia, e.g.IRIDDDown 57: Wind dir.ENE