New York Times Answers - Sunday, 1st September 1996 There are 65 across clues and 77 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Sunday, 1st September 1996. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Labor Party, in EnglandTHELEFTAAcross 8: Not as outgoingSHIERAAcross 13: CutGASHEDAAcross 19: Upper jawMAXILLAAAcross 20: Somnolent stateTRANCEAAcross 21: Filmdom's PeterO'TOOLEAAcross 22: "Nobody wants justice"ALANDERSHOWITZAAcross 24: New versionREMAKEAAcross 25: Passeport datumNOMAAcross 26: Kitchen finishETTEAAcross 27: PuppetSTOOGEAAcross 29: Let goAXEDAAcross 30: "Vote early and vote often"AL CAPONEAAcross 33: Dime ___NOVELAAcross 35: More divineGODLIERAAcross 38: Work unitERGAAcross 40: Aristocratic beliefsELITISMSAAcross 44: It's said to be not as lovely as a treeAPOEMAAcross 45: Comparative wordsASAAAcross 47: Grayish greenRESEDAAAcross 49: ExcuseOUTAAcross 50: "By the time we've made it, we've had it"MALCOLMFORBESAAcross 54: British parent, familiarlyMAMAAcross 55: Open school grp.PTAAAcross 56: Add-onELLAAcross 57: Reddish-brown gemSARDAAcross 58: SquealerRATAAcross 59: Walk like a vampSLITHERAAcross 61: Honda rivalYAMAHAAAcross 64: Out of portTOSEAAAcross 66: Get but goodNAILAAcross 67: Word with ticket or railSPLITAAcross 68: "I used to be Snow White, but I drifted"MAE WESTAAcross 70: DawdleDELAYAAcross 71: Ring contents?HATSAAcross 72: Fawn-colored antelopeELANDAAcross 73: Salvador's country, to SalvadoransBRASILAAcross 75: Act of law enforcementWIRETAPAAcross 78: Suffix with expertISEAAcross 79: Ho Chi Minh trail localeLAOSAAcross 80: Bill in the tillONEAAcross 83: Social worker?ANTAAcross 84: Constellation next to ScorpiusARAAAcross 85: "It's not easy bein' green"KERMITTHEFROGAAcross 89: Start of a vol. 1 headingATOAAcross 90: Broadway's fate?KISMETAAcross 92: Some promosADSAAcross 93: SimpletonsGEESEAAcross 94: Italian noblewomanCONTESSAAAcross 96: Georgia, once: Abbr.SSRAAcross 98: Supermarket deviceSCANNERAAcross 100: Composer BrucknerANTONAAcross 101: "Start every day off with a smile and get it over with"W. C. FIELDSAAcross 104: Quite a noseBEAKAAcross 107: Kind of kickONSIDEAAcross 110: Song syllablesLALAAAcross 111: Curator's degreeMFAAAcross 114: Be pregnantEXPECTAAcross 116: "If I were two-faced, would I be wearing this one?"ABRAHAM LINCOLNAAcross 120: Magazine illustrationVISUALAAcross 121: SpreeRANTANAAcross 122: Broke outERUPTEDAAcross 123: Treeless tractSTEPPEAAcross 124: ImpurityDROSSAAcross 125: Purchase incentivesREBATESDDown 1: Govt. agentT-MANDDown 2: Ring to wearHALODDown 3: Midyear, e.g.EXAMDDown 4: Author ___ YutangLINDDown 5: Years ago, years agoELDDDown 6: OverchargeFLEECEDDown 7: Dentist's targetTARTARDDown 8: Angel's wishSRODDown 9: Nautical ropeHAWSERDDown 10: Monogram feature: Abbr.INITDDown 11: Prefix with -morphicECTODDown 12: GerrymandersREZONESDDown 13: "Every time a friend succeeds, I die a little"GORE VIDALDDown 14: Bothered, with "at"ATEDDown 15: Iman, at birthSOMALIDDown 16: ImpostureHOAXDDown 17: Sommer of filmELKEDDown 18: It's doneDEEDDDown 20: One of TV's HuxtablesTHEODDown 23: Indy 500 advertiserS.T.P.DDown 23: Indy 500 advertiserSTPDDown 28: AutomatonsGOLEMSDDown 30: Actor McCowenALECDDown 31: Wheels for wheelsLIMODDown 32: Handy toNEARDDown 34: Light cotton fabricsETAMINESDDown 35: Foxes, e.g.GAMEDDown 36: Fire ___OPALDDown 37: "You'd be surprised how much it costs to look this cheap"DOLLYPARTONDDown 39: Bribed, so to speakGREASEDDDown 41: "Everything you see I owe to spaghetti"SOPHIA LORENDDown 42: In an unspeakable wayMUTELYDDown 43: Talented oneSTARDDown 45: House supportAFRAMEDDown 46: Do lawn workSODDDown 48: Adlai's 1956 running mateESTESDDown 51: Grueling 3-Down, for shortLSATDDown 52: ___-jonggMAHDDown 53: Comparatively tannedBROWNERDDown 60: Ankles, anatomicallyTALIDDown 62: Der ___ (Adenauer)ALTEDDown 63: WrongMISTAKENDDown 64: Some wedding giftsTEASETSDDown 65: Diamond statsATBATSDDown 67: The way of the godsSHINTODDown 69: EquallyALIKEDDown 70: Track eventDASHDDown 74: TwaddleROTDDown 75: W.W. II participantWAACDDown 76: "Wit is educated insolence"ARISTOTLEDDown 77: JudgePASS ONDDown 79: StopperLIDDDown 81: Detecting abilityNOSEDDown 82: Elbe tributaryEGERDDown 86: Dramatist ConnellyMARCDDown 87: Mild oathEGADDDown 88: Peaty areasFENSDDown 91: Roof typeMANSARDDDown 95: FillTAKE-UPDDown 95: FillTAKEUPDDown 97: Workout garbSWEATSDDown 98: Popular productSELLERDDown 99: 1948 Oscar winner TrevorCLAIREDDown 102: Bakery offeringFLANDDown 103: Cartesian wordsIAMDDown 104: Drinks: Abbr.BEVSDDown 105: Kind of pollEXITDDown 106: Place for a vaultAPSEDDown 108: Construction pieceIBARDDown 109: Fleming villainDRNODDown 111: Early feminist LucretiaMOTTDDown 112: VamooseFLEEDDown 113: Common connectionsANDSDDown 115: ClimaxCAPDDown 117: OwnsHASDDown 118: GistNUBDDown 119: Tax consultant, oftenCPA