New York Times Answers - Sunday, 14th July 1996 There are 66 across clues and 77 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Sunday, 14th July 1996. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Supermarket sectionMEATSAAcross 6: In reASTOAAcross 10: Emmy-winning actress NeuwirthBEBEAAcross 14: Help for the memory-challengedRECAPAAcross 19: BulldogYALIEAAcross 20: From the flockLAICAAcross 21: Seldom seenRAREAAcross 22: BypassEVADEAAcross 23: TeacakeSCONEAAcross 24: Small whirlwindDUST DEVILAAcross 26: Jerry Rice, e.g., informallyNINERAAcross 27: Kato's bossTHEGREENHORNETAAcross 29: CouchSETTEEAAcross 30: Seat of Jackson County, TexasEDNAAAcross 31: Stock optionPUTAAcross 32: Aristophanes play that caused a buzzTHEWASPSAAcross 34: "Baywatch" typesBLONDESAAcross 38: BecauseFORAAcross 39: "Awake, faire Muse," e.g.ODEAAcross 40: Lay waste toRAZEAAcross 41: Nursery rhyme startLADYBUGLADYBUGAAcross 49: Excitedly activeABOILAAcross 51: Former First LadyBESSAAcross 52: Revolutionary War heroALLENAAcross 53: Cork's placeEIREAAcross 54: ___Park, Calif.MENLOAAcross 55: Produce an effect, as medicineACTAAcross 56: Ones involved in match playPYROSAAcross 57: Dog's problemMANGEAAcross 58: African monarchyLESOTHOAAcross 60: Caron roleLILIAAcross 61: OfferTENDERAAcross 62: Region of NicaraguaMOSQUITOCOASTAAcross 66: SculpturedGRAVENAAcross 70: BrandSEARAAcross 71: Bulldozer, e.g.CLEARERAAcross 75: FanaticalRABIDAAcross 76: Actress Adams et al.MAUDSAAcross 78: 1959 Kingston Trio hitMTAAAcross 79: SirensLURESAAcross 81: "___Shoes" (American spiritual)IGOTAAcross 82: Time's 1977 Man of the YearSADATAAcross 83: Inquiry: Abbr.QUESAAcross 84: Like some roofsSLATEAAcross 85: 1939 tale of a tarnished Tinseltown, with "The"DAYOFTHELOCUSTAAcross 88: To be, to HenriETREAAcross 89: Dory's needOARAAcross 90: Becoming slower, musically: Abbr.RIT.AAcross 90: Becoming slower, musically: Abbr.RITAAcross 91: Place to buy redeyeBARROOMAAcross 94: Nickname of SophoclesATTICBEEAAcross 99: Them: Fr.EUXAAcross 100: Ramses I's successorSETIAAcross 101: Early riser?CROCUSAAcross 102: Tale of a butchered PiggyLORDOFTHEFLIESAAcross 109: 1960-61 A.L. M.V.P.MARISAAcross 110: Item sacred to AthenaOLIVE TREEAAcross 111: Liberated city of September 1944LILLEAAcross 112: First name in cosmeticsESTEEAAcross 113: Nil___bonumNISIAAcross 114: Occupational name endingsIERSAAcross 115: The "her" of "Leave Her to Heaven"ELLENAAcross 116: Ancient relic: Var.SHERDAAcross 117: MTV targetTEENAAcross 118: CopperCENTAAcross 119: Silver, e.g.STEEDDDown 1: Best-selling CD-ROM gameMYSTDDown 2: PerEACHDDown 3: Kind of rootALOEDDown 4: Glassy soundTINGDDown 5: Hit the roofSEE REDDDown 6: Pilgrim coupleALDENSDDown 7: Executive hotel offeringSAUNADDown 8: Mary Roberts Rinehart volumeTISHDDown 9: Paper nautilus and othersOCTOPODSDDown 10: English gooseBRENTDDown 11: Sun shadeEAVEDDown 12: Actress EklandBRITTDDown 13: Member of a conger line?EELDDown 14: Like some magazine subscriptionsRENEWEDDDown 15: Madonna movie roleEVITADDown 16: JargonsCANTSDDown 17: "___but dazzling darkness": VaughanADEEPDDown 18: 1996 loser to NetanyahuPERESDDown 25: London's___LaneDRURYDDown 28: Netherlands cityEDEDDown 29: Detroit offeringSEDANDDown 33: See 36-DownHOLESDDown 34: Author StokerBRAMDDown 35: StereotypeLABELDDown 36: With 33-Down, polar phenomenaOZONEDDown 37: Diamond and othersNEILSDDown 38: AcceleratedFASTDDown 41: Gaboriau detectiveLECOQDDown 42: Texas home of the BearsBAYLORDDown 43: Actress LenoreULRICDDown 44: Day-___GLODDown 45: Give birth on the farmYEANDDown 46: PredicamentBINDDDown 47: ImpetusURGEDDown 48: One going in the right direction?GEERDDown 50: Came up quicklyLOOMEDDDown 51: Dickensian criesBAHSDDown 56: Falafel holdersPITASDDown 57: Lithium and othersMETALSDDown 59: Quite a loadTONDDown 60: Misled, or worseLIEDTODDown 61: Literary monogramTSEDDown 63: ExpectedUSUALDDown 64: Jazz group, maybeOCTETDDown 65: "___the day!" (Shakespearean phrase)ALASDDown 66: Part of a crosswordGRIDDDown 67: Music whose name means "color"RAGADDown 68: "___Like That" (Bernstein/Sondheim song)ABOYDDown 69: One of the CorleonesVITODDown 72: Desk itemRULERDDown 73: Sister of ClioERATODDown 74: 1930's-ish, e.g.RETRODDown 76: Skier PhilMAHREDDown 77: Orange drinkADEDDown 78: New wineMUSTDDown 80: Strike one asSEEMDDown 82: AttemptsSTABSDDown 83: Hardly practicalQUIXOTICDDown 86: IntentFOCUSEDDDown 87: Well-made product?CRUDEDDown 91: BiddingBEHESTDDown 92: Had a little lamb?ATEDDown 93: LootsRIFLESDDown 94: TopsACMESDDown 95: DestroyTRASHDDown 96: Baker's offeringTORTEDDown 97: Having greater reserveICIERDDown 98: "Heartbreak House" heroineELLIEDDown 99: North Carolina politician SamERVINDDown 100: AdamantineSTERNDDown 103: Seine tributaryOISEDDown 104: UnfetteredFREEDDown 105: Ice-cream truck songLILTDDown 106: "Winnie-___-Pu"ILLEDDown 107: C.S.A.'s Robert___ELEEDDown 108: Computer commandSENDDDown 110: N.Y. neighborONT