New York Times Answers - Friday, 10th November 1995 There are 35 across clues and 40 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Friday, 10th November 1995. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Ingemar Johansson winsKOSAAcross 4: Inhabitant's placeABODEAAcross 9: Industrialist's deg.MBAAAcross 12: Insurance figureRATEAAcross 14: Ichthyologist's specimenMORAYAAcross 15: "It's Still Rock and Roll to Me" singer BillyJOELAAcross 16: Indians of the WestUTESAAcross 17: Immortal start for CaesarICAMEAAcross 18: Important ship of mythARGOAAcross 19: IPERSONAL PRONOUNAAcross 22: It's in LepusARNEBAAcross 23: Italian dishPENNEAAcross 24: Initials for a waitressBLTAAcross 27: Ignorant replyHUHAAcross 29: Individual who fishesTROLLERAAcross 33: InterweaveENTWINEAAcross 38: "I Will ____" (disco hit)SURVIVEAAcross 39: Intimate of AeneasACHATESAAcross 40: Innermost orbital pointPERIGEEAAcross 41: Influences in astrologyPLANETSAAcross 42: It precedes poeticaARSAAcross 43: Irène's seasoningSELAAcross 44: Inventory, e.g.ASSETAAcross 48: Indonesia is similiar to itMALAYAAcross 53: ISYMBOLFORIODINEAAcross 59: Infant's placeCRIBAAcross 60: Innocent Hiss?ALGERAAcross 61: Item for heating liquidsETNAAAcross 62: IsletsAITSAAcross 63: Italian artist Andrea del ____SARTOAAcross 64: Institutes legal actionSUESAAcross 65: It follows oomPAHAAcross 66: In amongst'TWEENAAcross 66: In amongstTWEENAAcross 67: Intemperate fitPETDDown 1: Idolized drummerKRUPADDown 2: "In Old Arizona," e.g.OATERDDown 3: Isaac the violinistSTERNDDown 4: Idi ____AMINDDown 5: Iberian "mouth"BOCADDown 6: Intense examORALDDown 7: Ideal, as greenhouse soilDAMPDDown 8: InspectorEYERDDown 9: IdiotMORONDDown 10: InitiatedBEGUNDDown 11: IsolatedALONEDDown 13: In ____ (actually)ESSEDDown 15: Inamorata of TarzanJANEDDown 20: Indispensable, in musicOBBLIGATODDown 21: Introduction for an eye doctorOPHTHALMODDown 25: Instrument for liftingLEVERDDown 26: "I think I shall never see..." poemTREESDDown 27: Inferior carsHEAPSDDown 28: "I give!"UNCLEDDown 29: Itty-bitty meas.TSPDDown 30: Ile de la Cité streetRUEDDown 31: Ice hockey legendORRDDown 32: Inscribed 56LVIDDown 34: Ill-lookingWANDDown 35: Inhabitant: SuffixITEDDown 36: Income after taxesNETDDown 37: Initial for SupermanESSDDown 44: Irving Berlin belonged to itASCAPDDown 45: Israel-Turkey separatorSYRIADDown 46: Ian of RhodesiaSMITHDDown 47: Inverse of "floods"EBBSDDown 49: Iced drinksADESDDown 50: IlluminatedLITUPDDown 51: It spans douze moisANNEEDDown 52: It's upliftingYEASTDDown 54: In the rearLASTDDown 55: ImperfectionFLAWDDown 56: Inhuman bruteOGREDDown 57: Interconnection of nervesRETEDDown 58: Item in a laundryIRON