New York Times Answers - Saturday, 29th July 1995 There are 37 across clues and 36 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Saturday, 29th July 1995. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Tall glassSCHOONERAAcross 9: First-rateCRACKAAcross 14: "Home Improvement" accessoriesTOOLBOXESAAcross 16: River of forgetfulnessLETHEAAcross 17: Rattle offENUMERATEAAcross 18: Haggard hero _____ QuatermainALLANAAcross 19: BugANNOYAAcross 20: China's _____ BiaoLINAAcross 21: PineYEARNAAcross 22: Pre _____ (future doctors)MEDSAAcross 23: Quite a bargainSTEALAAcross 25: Welland Canal outletERIEAAcross 26: Riley's "_____ I Went Mad"EREAAcross 27: "Speed" speederBUSAAcross 28: One may be foulTIPAAcross 30: First word of the British national anthemGODAAcross 31: Winona and Mitch, e.g.RYDERSAAcross 33: Kind of testSOBRIETYAAcross 35: Cheap restaurantsBEANERIESAAcross 37: In Mideast attireTURBANEDAAcross 40: Hertz competitorDOLLARAAcross 44: RustedATEAAcross 45: Kind of testDNAAAcross 46: BribeSOPAAcross 47: 12 mesesANOAAcross 48: Barroom suppliesKEGSAAcross 50: Spanish chestsARCASAAcross 52: It turns on the cookerSPITAAcross 53: PassENACTAAcross 55: Anguilliform creatureEELAAcross 56: DestinyKARMAAAcross 57: Old Roman seaportOSTIAAAcross 58: Blame unjustlySCAPEGOATAAcross 60: Be of the right size and shape forFITONAAcross 61: Amtrak handoutTIMETABLEAAcross 62: Cut of meatFLANKAAcross 63: ApatheticLISTLESSDDown 1: Transoceanic transportationSTEAMERDDown 2: Bondman of old?CONNERYDDown 3: Pursued vehementlyHOUNDEDDDown 4: "Stand and Deliver" starOLMOSDDown 5: MindOBEYDDown 6: "Postman's Creed" wordNORDDown 7: GlorifiesEXALTSDDown 8: Fix a bandageRETIEDDown 9: Some soilCLAYDDown 10: 1935 Douglas Freeman biographyRELEEDDown 11: Like some House seatsAT LARGEDDown 12: Vehicle for MessalaCHARIOTDDown 13: Supreme Court JusticeKENNEDYDDown 15: Forum V.I.P.SENATORDDown 23: Book of the ApocryphaSUSANNADDown 24: Freudian topicsLIBIDOSDDown 27: MoolaBREADDDown 29: Before surgery, informallyPREOPDDown 32: RecessionEBBDDown 33: But, in old RomeSEDDDown 34: Map abbr.ISLDDown 36: Least removedNEARESTDDown 37: ParodyTAKE OFFDDown 37: ParodyTAKEOFFDDown 38: Eating _____UTENSILDDown 39: Race for the Queen's CupREGATTADDown 41: Traveler's warmerLAPROBEDDown 42: BarbariansANIMALSDDown 43: WheelsROTATESDDown 46: Deli purchaseSALAMIDDown 49: DescendantSCIONDDown 51: The "C" in C.S. ForesterCECILDDown 52: Actress KateySAGALDDown 54: Holding penTANKDDown 56: Etta of old comicsKETTDDown 59: Foot: Lat.PES