New York Times Answers - Monday, 29th November 1993 There are 41 across clues and 39 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Monday, 29th November 1993. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: New Woman rivalSELFAAcross 5: One-linersGAGSAAcross 9: Soccer legendPELEAAcross 13: Egg-shapedOVALAAcross 14: TV oldie "Green _____"ACRESAAcross 16: Vientiane's landLAOSAAcross 17: Building code requirementFIRE ESCAPEAAcross 19: ProdURGEAAcross 20: Pilgrim JohnALDENAAcross 21: Most pleasantNICESTAAcross 23: Madam's mateSIRAAcross 25: July 4, 1776, e.g.DATEAAcross 26: Opposite of vert.HORAAcross 29: W. Hemisphere org.OASAAcross 32: Mr. ArnazDESIAAcross 34: The lowdown on dancing?LIMBOAAcross 36: Kind of car or sandwichCLUBAAcross 38: Use a crayonCOLORAAcross 41: Ratted (on)TOLDAAcross 42: ArmboneULNAAAcross 43: By oneselfALONEAAcross 44: Writer HunterEVANAAcross 45: HaulsLUGSAAcross 46: Stimulate, as curiosityPIQUEAAcross 47: Measure outMETEAAcross 48: Provence cityARLESAAcross 50: Stalin ruled itUSSRAAcross 52: "The Bridge of San Luis_____"REYAAcross 53: Stephen of "The Crying Game"REAAAcross 54: Late tennis V.I.P.ASHEAAcross 57: Dawn goddessEOSAAcross 59: Lustrous fabricSATEENAAcross 61: "Faust," for oneOPERAAAcross 65: [Shock!]GASPAAcross 67: Summer treatWATERMELONAAcross 70: MaturesAGESAAcross 71: Go 1-1 in a doubleheaderSPLITAAcross 72: Letterman's "Top Ten," e.g.LISTAAcross 73: Model's positionPOSEAAcross 74: "Auld Lang _____"SYNEAAcross 75: Not so muchLESSDDown 1: DivanSOFADDown 2: "Hear no_____ ..."EVILDDown 3: Cooking fatLARDDDown 4: Hightails itFLEESDDown 5: Oil alternativeGASDDown 6: U.N.C. and U.Va. grp.ACCDDown 7: In a lofty styleGRANDILOQUENTLYDDown 8: Artist's brownSEPIADDown 9: +PLUSDDown 10: BulldozerEARTHMOVERDDown 11: Captain's recordLOGDDown 12: Language suffixESEDDown 15: Church offshootSECTDDown 18: Arthurian ladyENIDDDown 22: Slippery oneEELDDown 24: Sum upRECAPDDown 27: Not quite sphericalOBLATEDDown 28: Los Angeles motorist KingRODNEYDDown 29: Of the eyesOCULARDDown 30: MagnetismALLUREDDown 31: ShadesSUNGLASSESDDown 33: By oneself: PrefixSOLIDDown 35: News entryITEMDDown 37: Home portBASEDDown 39: BurdenONUSDDown 40: Hall-of-Famer Pee WeeREESEDDown 49: Was in sessionSATDDown 51: Motel vacancyROOMDDown 55: Does needleworkSEWSDDown 56: MoundsHEAPSDDown 58: "How do you _____ relief?"SPELLDDown 60: Church nookAPSEDDown 62: Writer WieselELIEDDown 63: Flagmaker BetsyROSSDDown 64: Picnic pestsANTSDDown 65: Cumberland, e.g.GAPDDown 66: In the pastAGODDown 68: One for WilhelmEINDDown 69: Numbered rd.RTE