New York Times Answers - Wednesday, 20th May 1992 There are 38 across clues and 41 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Wednesday, 20th May 1992. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: "You called?"WHATAAcross 5: Cheese chunkCUBEAAcross 9: Gown materialSATINAAcross 14: Bring home the baconEARNAAcross 15: Place-mat shape, oftenOVALAAcross 16: SolelyALONEAAcross 17: Links wear of yesteryearPLUS FOURSAAcross 19: Fogg's creatorVERNEAAcross 20: Cartoon catTOMAAcross 21: Dining areaELLAAcross 22: FearfulALARMEDAAcross 24: The Fates, e.g.TRIADAAcross 26: Get intoENTERAAcross 27: Barnstorming maneuversFIGUREEIGHTSAAcross 31: Soft in the headLOONYAAcross 32: Homophone for seizeSEASAAcross 33: Tiger totCUBAAcross 36: One of Di's in-lawsANNEAAcross 37: One walking in waterWADERAAcross 39: Florence's riverARNOAAcross 40: Cribbage piecePEGAAcross 41: Cold Adriatic windBORAAAcross 42: Macbeth and Rob RoySCOTSAAcross 43: The ___ (a stage of man)TERRIBLETWOSAAcross 46: Many a night studentADULTAAcross 48: Draws nighNEARSAAcross 49: Wyo. IndianARAPAHOAAcross 51: "___ live and breathe!"ASIAAcross 52: MisfortuneILLAAcross 52: MisfortuneILL.AAcross 55: "American Buffalo" playwrightMAMETAAcross 56: Some glad handsHIGHFIVESAAcross 59: Popular poplarABELEAAcross 60: Stare longingly atOGLEAAcross 61: Flow with a glowLAVAAAcross 62: Lutheran Church bodySYNODAAcross 63: Shed-wall hangingsHOESAAcross 64: JoinedKNITDDown 1: Exuded moistureWEPTDDown 2: Christmas-play propHALODDown 3: Skunk cabbage, e.g.ARUMDDown 4: Cap. of TunisiaTNSDDown 5: Type of hatCOOLIEDDown 6: Soft-palate projectionsUVULAEDDown 7: Candy unitBARDDown 8: "Born Free" heroineELSADDown 9: Scholarly soulsSAVANTSDDown 10: Tips offALERTSDDown 11: Musical MelTORMEDDown 12: Deep-seatedINNERDDown 13: Have use forNEEDDDown 18: Charon managed oneFERRYDDown 23: "Clo-Clo" composerLEHARDDown 24: What a ruer changes?TUNEDDown 25: ScornDISDAINDDown 27: AdoFLAPDDown 28: Actress SkyeIONEDDown 29: Percussion instrumentGONGDDown 30: Word from the BeavGEEDDown 33: Farmer's winged baneCROWDDown 34: "For ___ you is born . . . "UNTODDown 35: Order aboutBOSSDDown 37: Deserving ofWORTHDDown 38: Airline abbr.ARRDDown 39: BehavesACTSDDown 41: OverdueBELATEDDDown 42: I part, at timesSERIFDDown 43: Elvis's birthplaceTUPELODDown 44: Nothing but a hound dogBEAGLEDDown 45: Ties upLASHESDDown 46: "The Sheik of ___"ARABYDDown 47: German ladiesDAMENDDown 49: You love: Lat.AMASDDown 50: "Oops!"OHOHDDown 52: One of the GreatsIVANDDown 53: First name in jeansLEVIDDown 54: Would-be atty.'s examLSATDDown 57: "___ Pogo"IGODDown 58: KindILK