New York Times Answers - Friday, 20th September 1991 There are 38 across clues and 36 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Friday, 20th September 1991. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Inspired with admirationAWEDAAcross 5: Senator from Va.ROBBAAcross 9: Rake over the ___ (scold)COALSAAcross 14: Prado painterGOYAAAcross 15: Former U.S.S.R. satelliteEGERAAcross 16: AssaultONSETAAcross 17: HumdingerONERAAcross 18: ___ Beach, Fla.VEROAAcross 19: Attendant at a weddingUSHERAAcross 20: "She sells seashells . . . , " e.g.TONGUE TWISTERAAcross 23: HeapsPILESAAcross 24: "___ Song, " Legrand scoreBRIANSAAcross 25: Drama divisionsSCENESAAcross 27: ExistenceBEINGAAcross 28: Certain dance lineCONGAAAcross 29: Family of Mao's successorHUASAAcross 30: Architect SaarinenEEROAAcross 34: Suffix with press or failUREAAcross 35: TV's "___ Press"MEETTHEAAcross 38: Flat tire's lossAIRAAcross 39: Set of threeTERNAAcross 41: Gerbils' kinRATSAAcross 42: Island in the Firth of ClydeARRANAAcross 44: Like Chicago in 1871AFIREAAcross 46: SteadySTABLEAAcross 47: UnimpairedINTACTAAcross 49: Netman Edberg is oneSWEDEAAcross 50: Like a piled-up sundaeMOUTH-WATERINGAAcross 50: Like a piled-up sundaeMOUTHWATERINGAAcross 53: Tropical, freshwater fishTETRAAAcross 54: Ancient theatersODEAAAcross 55: Access for a U.M.W. memberADITAAcross 57: Girder materialSTEELAAcross 58: Anagram from tarnRANTAAcross 59: Glacial snowfieldNEVEAAcross 60: OutdatedPASSEAAcross 61: Ancient battle siteTROYAAcross 62: Waste allowanceTRETDDown 1: Before nowAGODDown 2: HabitWONTDDown 3: Enlightening experienceEYE OPENERDDown 3: Enlightening experienceEYEOPENERDDown 4: Mender's activityDARNINGDDown 5: Variety showsREVUESDDown 6: S-shaped moldingsOGEESDDown 7: Parks from AtlantaBERTDDown 8: BulliesBROWBEATSDDown 9: Half a French film title: 1975COUSINDDown 10: PerformingONSTAGEDDown 11: PallidASHENDDown 12: Lustful glancesLEERSDDown 13: Riv. boatSTRDDown 21: Flash of lightGLEAMDDown 22: HiberniansIRISHDDown 25: Rabbit's tailSCUTDDown 26: Innermost partCOREDDown 27: Mont. mining centerBUTTEDDown 29: Medicinal rootHEARTWORTDDown 31: Prolix oneEARBENDERDDown 32: Teheran coinRIALDDown 33: Writer Sarah ___ JewettORNEDDown 36: Author RemarqueERICHDDown 37: TrenchermanEATERDDown 40: TemperamentsNATURESDDown 43: EffulgentRADIANTDDown 45: Femme ___FATALEDDown 46: LaboriousSWEATYDDown 47: "___ man who wasn't there"IMETADDown 48: MemorandaNOTESDDown 49: Pool memberSTENODDown 51: Jewish monthADARDDown 52: DonateGIVEDDown 53: Recipe amt.TSPDDown 56: Asian holidayTET