New York Times Answers - Sunday, 4th August 1991 There are 69 across clues and 73 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Sunday, 4th August 1991. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: "___ may look on a king": HeywoodACATAAcross 5: High-school subj.MATHAAcross 9: "Murder, ___ Said," 1962 filmSHEAAcross 12: Like a flapper's hairBOBBEDAAcross 18: Type of hitSMASHAAcross 19: "East of Eden" temptressABRAAAcross 20: Loser to H.S.T.TEDAAcross 21: "___ in the Sun"APLACEAAcross 22: Odd magazine?HARPERSBIZARREAAcross 25: Closed or open position, in golfSTANCEAAcross 26: Mayan or MundaneERAAAcross 27: Suffix for CapriOTEAAcross 28: Troy, to AjaxILIONAAcross 29: Rameau's "Les ___ galantes"INDESAAcross 30: Sheridan play, with "The"RIVALSAAcross 33: Site of Phillips UniversityENIDAAcross 34: Town in N IndiaMANDIAAcross 36: Annapolis freshmenPLEBESAAcross 37: Gang of swans?CYGNETRINGAAcross 40: Org. for the rah-rah peopleNCAAAcross 43: Certain wrenchALLENAAcross 44: "___ Foolish Things . . . ," 1935 songTHESEAAcross 45: Chinese warehouseHONGAAcross 46: Black, in poesyEBONAAcross 47: Distress lettersSOSAAcross 48: "Honi ___ . . . "SOITAAcross 49: After a bitLATERAAcross 50: ProtractedLONGAAcross 51: Former Scandinavian notables?LAPPSOFMEMORYAAcross 55: ConcerningASTOAAcross 56: What a hairline sometimes doesRECEDESAAcross 59: Like some beaversEAGERAAcross 60: Kind of box or jointMITERAAcross 61: Wiped outERASEDAAcross 62: Turkish moneyLIRASAAcross 63: Minn. cityWINONAAAcross 64: Wooden stand with a curved topCRISSAAcross 65: DoctrineTENETAAcross 66: They're sometimes grandPARENTSAAcross 67: Counterweight in a labTAREAAcross 68: Photos from Merthyr Tydfil?PRINTSOFWALESAAcross 72: A SiouanOTOEAAcross 73: ___ gin fizzRAMOSAAcross 74: River at BernAAREAAcross 75: Wood, the boat builderGARAAcross 78: Saws with the grainRIPSAAcross 79: LollapaloozaONERAAcross 80: AssuageSALVEAAcross 82: He recruited LafayetteDEANEAAcross 84: Part of a TV setSCRAAcross 85: Chemical flower?OXIDEDAISYAAcross 87: Patten or huaracheSANDALAAcross 88: A.B.A. membersATTYSAAcross 90: To be, in AixETREAAcross 91: Type of clauseESCAPEAAcross 92: Site of a Liza Doolittle triumphASCOTAAcross 94: Anatomical cavitySINUSAAcross 96: A verb for youAREAAcross 98: Cole Porter's "___ Clown"BEAAAcross 99: Like betting partners' feelings?MUTUELAAcross 101: Balance sheet for Amos?PROPHETANDLOSSAAcross 105: "___ santé!"AVOTREAAcross 106: This won't fill a fillyOATAAcross 107: What Mr. America pumpsIRONAAcross 108: Pan-frySAUTEAAcross 109: "___ thou now O soul": WhitmanDARESTAAcross 110: Strange needTEEAAcross 111: Kind of housePENTAAcross 112: Hundred-weights: Abbr.CWTSDDown 1: Tropical timber treeAMARILLODDown 2: Niña and her sistersCARAVELSDDown 3: "Worm of the Nile"ASPDDown 4: Article printed dailyTHEDDown 5: What Dana sailed beforeMASTDDown 6: Secular French clergymanABBEDDown 7: Part of TNTTRIDDown 8: Actions banned on many campusesHAZINGSDDown 9: What to take a reverse inSTRIDEDDown 10: Her lover drownedHERODDown 11: Where the Pison flowedEDENDDown 12: Kind of reliefBASDDown 13: Action often taken on campusOPTINGDDown 14: Wishy-washyBLANDDDown 15: Pops outlawed?BANDINBOSTONDDown 16: Lo! to LucretiusECCEDDown 17: Rick ___, talk-show hostDEESDDown 18: Tibetan bearersSHERPASDDown 23: Antarctic seaROSSDDown 24: AdjustA-LINEDDown 24: AdjustALINEDDown 31: Featherweight AttellABEDDown 32: Dawson of football fameLENDDown 33: Have an ___ (look after)EYETODDown 34: He makes vein effortsMINERDDown 35: Afire with ireANGRYDDown 37: X's for XanthippeCHISDDown 38: "Sweet ___! run softly . . . ": SpenserTHAMESDDown 39: Revolver of a sortROTORDDown 41: SatisfiedCONTENTDDown 42: Cats, goats or rabbitsANGORASDDown 44: A-oneTOPSDDown 46: May and StritchELAINESDDown 48: ToreSPEDDDown 49: Smooth and connected, in musicLEGATODDown 51: TenantsLESSEESDDown 52: Summer refreshmentsADESDDown 53: Boxing ploysFEINTSDDown 54: ___-tail (cirrus cloud)MARESDDown 56: Heads of certain collegesRECTORSDDown 57: CapriciousERRATICDDown 58: Egyptian manipulator?CAIROPRACTORDDown 60: Fen footingMIREDDown 62: Actress UlricLENOREDDown 63: Fabric textureWALEDDown 65: Like some vault locksTIMEDDDown 66: SkinPAREDDown 68: AgentPROXYDDown 69: Punjabi princessesRANISDDown 70: BogusFALSEDDown 71: Perm termWAVYDDown 75: RoverGADABOUTDDown 76: Metrical feetANAPESTSDDown 77: QuitclaimRELEASEDDown 80: Showed interestSATUPDDown 81: Zeppelin, e.g.AIR-SHIPDDown 81: Zeppelin, e.g.AIRSHIPDDown 82: "___ Kapital"DASDDown 83: Ref. bookENCDDown 85: ParavanesOTTERSDDown 86: MeanDENOTEDDown 87: " . . . after they've ___ Paree"SEENDDown 89: ___-puissance (omnipotence): Fr.TOUTEDDown 92: " . . . more deadly than ___ dog's tooth": Shak.AMADDDown 93: Capital of FijiSUVADDown 94: EspySPOTDDown 95: Dies ___IRAEDDown 96: Like ___ of bricksATONDDown 97: Declaim violentlyRANTDDown 100: Call at WimbledonLETDDown 102: Homophone for airEREDDown 103: G.I.'s awardDSCDDown 104: Nomologist's forteLAW