New York Times Answers - Tuesday, 12th February 1991 There are 35 across clues and 41 down clues for the New York Times crossword on Tuesday, 12th February 1991. View the answers below.. Also try..All New York Times AnswersAll PublicationsThe AnswersNumber# Clue Answer AAcross 1: Canadian prov.ALTAAAcross 5: Be at easeRESTAAcross 9: Remove clothingSTRIPAAcross 14: Government siteSEATAAcross 15: Robert ___ELEEAAcross 16: Wipe offERASEAAcross 17: Kind of mineSALTAAcross 18: FatherSIREAAcross 19: BeliefTENETAAcross 20: "Land of the free"THEUNITEDSTATESAAcross 23: Compass pointESEAAcross 24: A KennedyTEDAAcross 25: Door positionSHUTAAcross 27: Minister or rectorPARSONAAcross 30: John Jacob ___ASTORAAcross 32: In favor ofFORAAcross 33: CaviarROEAAcross 35: Law since March 4, 1789THECONSTITUTIONAAcross 40: NeckwearTIEAAcross 41: Smith and HirtALSAAcross 42: Not a soulNOONEAAcross 43: Land of ___PLENTYAAcross 46: Norman cityCAENAAcross 47: Fur pieceBOAAAcross 48: Unit of electrical resistanceOHMAAcross 49: Guarantee of freedoms in 20 AcrossTHEBILLOFRIGHTSAAcross 58: Ancient Greek portAULISAAcross 59: "___ the wild blue yonder"INTOAAcross 60: Statesman Elihu ___ROOTAAcross 61: Olive-jar liquidBRINEAAcross 62: StalkSTEMAAcross 63: AgainstANTIAAcross 64: Parties for malesSTAGSAAcross 65: InflectionTONEAAcross 66: Animal with hoofsDEERDDown 1: Helper: Abbr.ASSTDDown 2: First wife of JacobLEAHDDown 3: StoryTALEDDown 4: Alaskan islandATTUDDown 5: Stand fast againstRESISTDDown 6: SelectELITEDDown 7: WitheredSEREDDown 8: ___ off (irate)TEEDDDown 9: Game dogSETTERDDown 10: Walks firmlyTREADSDDown 11: Bluster or fustianRANTDDown 12: Words of understandingISEEDDown 13: Cats and canariesPETSDDown 21: Nerve: Comb. formNEURODDown 22: BeginSTARTDDown 25: Bethlehem productSTEELDDown 26: Ad ___ committeeHOCDDown 27: Hawaiian dishPOIDDown 28: Sky hunterORIONDDown 29: Opposite of midnightNOONDDown 30: An A.B.A. memberATTDDown 31: This also is 35 AcrossSHIPDDown 32: Wayne and Worth: Abbr.FTSDDown 34: Chemical suffixENEDDown 36: Of one's birthNATALDDown 37: Like a foxSLYDDown 38: Delaware IndianUNAMIDDown 39: Foot partTOEDDown 44: Going out, as the tideEBBINGDDown 45: SoundsNOISESDDown 46: Bumper platingCHROMEDDown 48: FrequentlyOFTENDDown 49: Keep ___ on (check)TABSDDown 50: Feel painHURTDDown 51: Lamb's pen nameELIADDown 52: Collection of namesLISTDDown 53: Not fooled byONTODDown 54: AlumGRADDDown 55: SharpenHONEDDown 56: CarryTOTEDDown 57: Move slightlySTIR